Chapter 38

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       It's been 3 weeks since the day that Eddie found out about Dustin. He's doing a lot better than how he was at the start. We had a lot of discussions about how we miss him daily.

       It was nice to have someone to relate to. Eddie was just as close as I was to Dustin. We shared a lot of memories about him with each other. It helped the days go by a little bit quicker.

      Eddie had finally gotten all of his casts off but was currently in physical therapy. I'd always tag along with him to make sure he wouldn't convince a nurse to wheel him out of the room...which...he's done twice already and it's only been happening for a few days now.

      Eddie was doing a lot better than I thought he would be to be honest. He's made it to the other half of the walkway in under 10 minutes. While the walkway is short, it's a big improvement compared to other people that have lost mobility.

       Most sessions consisted of a lot of curse words so they had to make a set schedule for him to have the room due to offending the patients. That was around 6 pm every day.

      "God damn it can we just stop?" I looked over to see the psychical therapy nurse shake her head as she was bending Eddie's arms back and forth.

        We were currently in a session. Eddie was doing great today...minus the complaints.

       There was going to be an announcement from the sheriff tonight at 7:00 at the town hall meeting. Nothing had happened since the earthquake, so it was safe to assume that this was about Eddie's case and the next step to what they were going to do.

      Robin was going with the kids and a walkie talkie so me and Eddie would be able to hear what the sheriff had to say in a less dangerous environment than the town hall.

      My eyes kept shooting to the clock on the wall as Eddie was going through the exercises. I know I was supposed to be watching Eddie in support, but I really didn't want us to be late.

       6:45. We had 15 minutes to get back to the hospital room and prepare for what we were going to hear. Was that enough time...? Eddie's session didn't even look close to done.

     I looked back over to Eddie as he was huffing on the railings of the walkway. He was doing great.

      Eddie made it to the end of the walkway in 7 minutes. 6:52. 8 minutes to get to the room and prepare. I didn't want to cut the session off short...but we were running out of time to get there.

     Two more minutes passed as Eddie talked with the nurse as she got him into his wheelchair. 6:54. 6 minutes.

      I hurry and walk over to Eddie's wheelchair and grab the handles. "Thanks for your time but we have to go. Right, Eddie?"

     "Oh...uh...right!" Eddie smiled before I started to wheel him out of the room. "What time is it, Eve? I doubt it's that close to time."

       I lifted up my arm to look at the watch on my wrist. "6:56. We have 4 minutes to get there. Try to hold on....we're gonna book it to the room."

      "Wait, whaAAAAAAA HOLY SHIT STEVE" Eddie gripped onto the sides of the wheelchair as I pushed it as fast as it could go. We were on the wrong flight so we had to make it to the elevator. I can apologize there.

      With every twist and turn we almost ram into a few people. I yelled back apologies but that's all I had time for.

     As we finally hit the elevator, I slam my hand onto the up button.

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