"Can we take my car?" Sierra asked when they got to the edge of the sidewalk. Ashton nodded and she led him to her Prius.

He got into the passenger side and it felt off to him. He was usually the one who was driving her places. It was his job as her boyfriend to take her places, so he felt a little weird having it switched around.

They got to the park, which wasn't that far from the school. She drove to the very back lot that was away from the playground equipment and parked in the very last space that was almost overtaken by the overgrown lilac bush. That's when Ashton knew what she wanted.

But he was wrong.

Sierra just sat in her seat, staring straight ahead with a straight face. She looked like something was bothering her. Ashton reached over, trying to grab her hand but she pulled away.

"Is everything okay?" Ash asked her, actually feeling worried about her. "You were fine just a few minutes ago."

"Um...no," she said quietly.

"What's wrong? Talk to me, babe," he told her reassuringly.

"I..." she started, but then tears started falling down her cheeks.

"Sierra, what happened? I'm worrying," Ashton warned, putting his hand on her knee, but she jerked it away.

"I...I think we should stop seeing each other," she said when she got a hold of herself.

"W-what? Why?" Ashton asked, his voice cracking.

She didn't say anything, she just continued staring down at her hands, silently crying. Ashton didn't know what to say or what had happened between them. She's been acting like she usually does all day, well, up until ten minutes ago. He wanted to know if it was something he said or something he did because he had thought they were happy. It's not like he didn't give her affection. He kissed her, held her hand, hugged her...any type of PDA, he would do every time he got a chance.

"It would just be better if we did," Sierra said quietly. "The spark is gone, Ashton."

Without another word, she started the car and backed out of the spot, quickly leaving the park and going back to school. Ashton wanted to ask her so many questions as to why, but he just couldn't get the words to form.


Luke left the computer lab, his laptop under his arm. The hallway was pretty much empty for only being around 3:05. He wasn't complaining. He hated when everyone acted like grazing cattle and clogged up the hallways, making it impossible for him to get out of this Hell hole.

Quickly, he twirled the lock on his locker, opening it and getting the notebooks for classes that he had homework in and put them in his backpack. As usual, he almost shut his locker without grabbing the keys from the coat hook underneath the bookshelf. Luke just got his license the week prior, so he wasn't used to having to grab keys from the hook.

When he grabbed the keys and turned to start walking out the door, he almost got plowed over by Ashton Irwin, the school's most notorious party animal.

"Watch it, asshole," Ashton snapped.

"I'm sorry for taking up the whole damn hallway," Luke muttered.

"Fuck you, nerd!" Ashton said, flipping him off.

Luke didn't think that he said it loud enough to hear him, but whatever. He was tempted to get in the last word, but refrained. He didn't need to waste his breath on Asshole Irwin.

As he walked out of the building, he felt himself start to relax. It had been a rather stressful day, as everyday this week has been, and he felt that a night filled with an Investigation Discovery splurge was necessary while he piddled around on his homework.

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