Chapter Twenty-One

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Tonight I’m back at the nightclub where Owen works. This time I keep my drink close to me. I don’t want to repeat what happened last time. I should have been more careful.

I look through the crowd as I’m sitting at the bar. There I see him. His mouth is set in a firm line while he has his arms folded in front of him. As his eyes land on me, I can’t help myself, but smile.

When he winks at me, my body melts. I feel it react as my nipples get hard like steel.

How can this man make my body react this way with a simple gesture? It’s beyond me.

My smile disappears as I see a woman trying to have his attention. I can’t watch this. Even if we said it will only be us. We weren’t exclusive.

I know that he works here. He must have the attention of a tone of women every night. I know he can’t help his situation…

“Penny for your thoughts?” Dean distracts me from my thoughts.

I smile at him. “No, I’m fine.” I try to sound as if nothing is bothering me. “I’m going to look around,” I inform Dean as he works behind the bar.

Before Owen can see the mood I’m in. I drink my glass in one shot. As my throat burns, I stand up from my seat to walk around.

I see some stairs and decide to take them. They bring me to the second floor in an open lounge. I walk toward the half wall. I can see what’s going on downstairs while people are dancing on the dance floor.

I lean on the half wall as I realize that I’m alone up here. I let out a sigh. Then I feel him. I don’t know how, but every time Owen’s close to me. My body reacts to his presence.

“Buttercup, what are you doing up here?” Owen whispers inside my ear, pressing his body closer to mine.

I shrug. “Nothing in particular. Why? I’m not allowed to be here?”

He doesn’t answer me. Instead, he put his hand on my thigh, lifting my skirt slowly.

My eyes widen at his action. “What are you doing?” I try to turn around to stop him, but he doesn’t let me.

“Don’t move.” He orders me.

I panic. “Are you crazy? What if someone comes up here and sees us?”

Owen unbuckles his belt. I shiver with delight as I hear him unzipping his jeans. “Don’t worry. No one can come up here. I put up a sign to block the access. Just wish that no one will lift their head as they see me fuck you.”

My heart is pounding like crazy. Even if I think this is a bad idea, I want this. The thrill is so exciting.

I let out a gasp while Owen pulls my panties to the side. He doesn’t wait. He penetrates me with one thrust. I didn’t care. I’m already ready for him.

He kisses the back of my ear. “Careful, buttercup or we are going to have an audience.”

I bite my lips, preventing me from making any sound. I was lost in the sea of pleasure. If Owen didn’t warn me, I would have made a sound that everyone in the nightclub would have heard.

Owen grabs the edge of the half wall, pounding deeper inside me.

I can’t believe that I didn’t stop this. It’s my first time doing it in a public place. The thrill that someone could look up here, and catch us, is so high. I never felt this way before.

All the logic goes out the window where he was concerned. I’m far from complaining.

Owen quicks his pace, swinging his hips hard as he penetrates me again and again.

“Do you know how much you drive me crazy?” He grunts while he speaks. “Every time I see you, I want you. Do you feel how much I want you?” He bites my ear lightly.

My head throws on his shoulder as I come. I have a hard time standing. My legs feel like jello.

Owen hisses with pleasure as my walls tighten around his enormous shaft. He presses his forehead over my shoulder. He pants hard, trying to catch up his breath.

As I come back to the reality of what occurred between us. I look at the people downstairs. I want to make sure that no one has seen anything.

I try to fix myself the best I can. Once everything seems in place, I turn around to look at Owen. He cups each side of my face with both his hands. “Did I hurt you?”

I shake my head, smiling at his concern for me. “No.”

Owen leans down to capture my lips with his. “I’m sorry to leave you like this, but I have to get back to work. Are you going to be okay?”

I nod my head. “I’m going home anyway.”

He takes my wrist, opening my hand. “Here, take this.” He put something in the middle of my palm.

My eyes widen as I see what it is.

“It’s the key to my place. I would like for you to be in my bed when I come back after my shift.” He walks away before I have the chance to say anything.

My eyes blink rapidly, trying to realize what just happened. I still can’t believe that I have the key to his apartment in my hand.

What does this mean?

Walking down the stairs, I look around to find the bathroom.

As I see my reflection in the mirror. Two young women walk inside, giggling.

“Did you see that security guy?” One asks the other. “He’s so yummy.”

Her friend put on lipstick. “I wouldn’t mind taking him to my place, showing him a thing or two?”

I frown. Are they talking about Owen?

“Have you seen the tattoo on his arms and his striking blue eyes?”

That confirms it. They are talking about him. I don’t appreciate the way they are talking about him. I have to get out of here before I make a scene.

I wash my hands rapidly.

Before I leave, I want to see Owen.

I smirk when I see him.

I walk toward Owen before he has the chance to react. I grab the collar of his t-shirt, bringing him down to my level. I kiss him with everything I have. I want him to think only about me with that kiss.

“I will wait for you. In your bed, naked.” I whisper over his lips.

I quickly walk away from him before he has the chance to react.

I decide to stop at my place to take a shower.

As I promised him. I’m waiting for him in his bed naked.

Waking up the next morning, something feels wrong. The side of his bed is still cold.

I open my eyes to search for him.

Is it morning?

He didn’t wake me?

Looking around, I see some of his drawers are open. Half of his clothes are gone.

I put the sheets around my body.

Did he come home?

Is he gone?

Why didn’t he wake me?

Where is he?

I grab my phone to call him. I can’t reach him. He turned off his phone.

What could have happened after I left him?

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