Chapter Three

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I look around after the hostess of the restaurant shows us our table. As I look around, I notice that everyone is wearing nice clothes. We are definitely in a luxury fashion restaurant.

I should have probably listened to Elliot and worn something nicer.

Did he do it on purpose?

No, I'm sure he didn't. I don't even know why it crossed my mind.

As I sit on the chair, I notice that the woman who's sitting to my right is judging me for the way she's looking at me. Maybe it has something to do with what I'm wearing. I feel undressed. Is it as if everyone's judging me? I clear my throat, looking at the menu instead.

Elliot didn't notice anything. He's on the phone with someone from his work. I don't mind. I'm used to it by now.

"No. No, this isn't a good idea." Elliot frowns as he speaks. He doesn't seem happy. "We will deal with this tomorrow." He hung up right after.

I look at him with concern. "Is everything ok?"

"Mmhmm." He mumbles.

I won't push on the matter. If he wants to talk about it, he will.

A young woman around my age stands beside us. "Hello, my name is Lucy. I will be your waitress for tonight. Are you ready to order?" She asks with a smile on her lips.

I look through the menu, and even though everything seems delicious, I decided to go with something light. "A Caesar salad for me."

She nods her head, writing it on her pad. "Anything to drink?"

I shake my head. "No. Just water, please."

Lucy turns her intention to my boyfriend. "And you, sir?"

"I'm going to go with the lamb shanks and a bottle of your finest wine." He closes the menu and gives it to her.

I let out a sigh. It's not that I'm bothered that he has money, but he doesn't have to show it every time we go out. He would have brought me to a food truck for our date, and I would still enjoy myself. I don't need much, just spending time with him would be enough for me.

Elliot takes my hand once Lucy leaves with our order. "So, what did you do today?"

I give him a smirk. "I don't want to talk about work. Wasn't what you wanted?"

He let out a chuckle. "I guess I deserve that."

I look to my right, and the woman from earlier once again is staring at me. The guy that's with her is trying to get her intentions, but he fell miserably.

Poor guy.

As Elliot looks at the same woman, I notice his expression change for only a second.

I'm about to ask him what's up with that when I'm distracted by Lucy as she brings our meals.

I get up from my seat. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to powder my nose."

Elliot takes my hand to leave a kiss on my skin. "Ok."

I'm not going to powder my nose. It was better to say this than say I'm going to the toilet to do the number one. I have manners.

Once I'm finished, I look at my reflection in the mirror. The thing I love the most about me is my hair. At first, you think they are black, but when the light hits them the brown shines through them.

As I walk back to my table, I stop on my track. I see the woman from earlier sitting at my seat while she talks with Elliot. He doesn't seem happy with her presence.

What's wrong with this picture? I wonder.

When Elliot sees me approaching them, I see the panic in his eyes.

Owen's words from last night replay in my head. "Maybe he's screwing with someone as we speak."

Am I gullible to think that Elliot isn't cheating on me? I have to get to the bottom of this before I make any accusation. I can be wrong here. It can be nothing.

"Elliot, what's going on?" I look at him, then at her, and back at him.

He quickly stands up from his seat. "She was just leaving. Weren't you Clara?

She bats her eyelashes rapidly. "Honey, I think it's time for her to learn the truth. Don't you agree?"

I cross my arms in front of me. "And who exactly are you?"

I suspect what's going on.

Clara laughs, looking at me. "I'm the woman who slept with him, yesterday, and the days before."

I can't believe this. He told me that he wasn't

I look around, and everyone is staring at us.

I can't believe what was happening.

"Taylor." I hear Elliot says my name.

I ignore him completely. I go grab my coat and purse to get out of here. On the way out I call a uber company to come and pick me up.

Once I'm outside, waiting. Someone grabs my hand, and I know who that is. I'm quick to remove my hand from his hold.

"Taylor, please let me explain." He has the nerve to plead with me, after what he did.

No. I won't stay here and listen as he tries to find an excuse for what he did. I ignore him completely as I look ahead me.

"Taylor, please. I want to talk to you." He tries again.

"There's nothing to talk about" I snap at him.

"Elliot, there you are." Clara joins us outside. "Now that she knows, we can finally be together."

Don't cry. I say to myself. Not here, and certainly not in front of her.

He turns to look at her to ask her to leave. An argument between them starts, and thankfully, I see the uber appear on the road.

Neither of them notices that I get in the uber.

All I want is to go home. A tear falls down my cheek as I try to keep it at bay. The driver doesn't seem to be effective in my situation. I'm sure in his line of work he saw this a lot of times.

I stand in front of my door with the keys in my hand. I don't want to go in. Something tells me that Elliot is on his way to talk to me. I don't want to see him.

A stupid idea coss my mind.

I'm sure that I'm going to regret this, but for now, it's my best option. Elliot will never think to search for me there.

I walk until I'm in front of Owen's door and knock on it.

Shit! Maybe the girl that he was with is still with him.

I'm about to turn around as I change my mind when his door opens.

He frowns at me. "It's you again."

"I'm sorry to bother you." I feel shy under his stare.

He let out a sigh. "What the fuck do you want now?"

I don't know why I'm standing here. I don't even know the guy. I swallow my pride. "Can I come in, please? I argued with Eliott, and I'm not ready to face him yet."

Owen takes a drag from his cigar as he keeps staring at me. He exhales the smoke, and I'm sure he's going to refuse, telling me to fuck off or something.

To my surprise, he opens his door wider, just enough for me to enter his place.

I hope I won't regret this. I say to myself, entering his apartment.

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