Chapter 23

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CW: violence, swearing, emotions, suicidal thoughts, murderous intent, the whole package.


You froze.

The siren carved its way through the sand like a river, stabbing through you like a knife. The prison siren. Dream. Quackity.

Purpled's eyes widened. "Come on," he said, grabbing your hand.

You let him lead you up the scaffolding, and back into cold Las Nevadas numbly.

It was cold.

You weren't shivering.

Everything was dull.

"Ace of Spades."

"Joker. I win."

Had it ever even been real?

Your breathing slowed, calm overtaking your mind, a silent pool of still water. Fuck Quackity. Fuck him, fuck his friends, fuck his nation. And fuck Purpled too.

The siren rang in your ears, thumping, until you couldn't tell the blood rushing from the siren or from your heartbeat.

You raised your axe.

He must have sensed something, because as soon as you brought the axe down, he barely dodged, rolling into the sand. "Y/n—"

"Fuck you!" you screamed, your voice breaking, "Fuck you, fuck you, go to hell, I fucking hate you and Quackity and Fundy and Charlie and go to hell. I never should've joined Las Nevadas. This is hell."


You stopped the axe mid-arc. Quackity's voice.

You turned.

Quackity stood there. Charlie stood there. You limped forward. You must have twisted your ankle earlier. The pain didn't register. If there really was a hell, you would be going there, and it would be better than Las Nevadas. "You liar," you spat, raising the axe.

It hurtled towards Quackity. He deflected it, and he didn't even look sorry. You swung again. Again. Again. Again. You wanted to kill him. He should die.

The sand shifted under your feet.

Something plummeted in your stomach.

You were falling. Weightless. Tired. Angry.

You slammed into the floor with a dull thud, and you were there again, dangling above the lava, the heat, the smoke, and you wanted to die. You wanted Quackity to die. You wanted to die.

Distantly, you heard their voices. Struggling to your feet, you tumbled back down, the lava wavering in your vision. Golden. Gripping the edge of the platform, you stood up again, swaying. You could see them. Right there. You stumbled forward. Charlie backed up to the edge. Purpled advanced.

You could see them in your blurry vision. Almost as if you could see what they were about to do. And you knew what you would do.

Purpled stretched out his hand, about to push Charlie off.

And then—

The expression on Charlie's face. Charlie had never done anything wrong. His eyes, wide, confused. Never angry.

Something snapped inside you, and you lunged forward.

Purpled pushed Charlie. You pushed Purpled.

The three of you soared, plunging towards the lava. You wanted to cry out. Scream. You could feel the heat near your skin. Death is nothing, you tried to remind yourself, you still had two lives, death is nothing, death is nothing, deathisnothingdeathisnothingdeath—

You hit the lava and it burned. The world swayed. Quackity plummeted over the edge of the platform, and for a second, you thought that maybe you were still family, after everything he'd done and you'd done and maybe you were still family—but he fell past, and you remembered, he would choose Charlie over you, every damn time.

You closed your eyes. In another life.


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