Chapter 12

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CW: violence


Ranboo glanced at you nervously. His hands, soft and slender, you noticed, were more suited to playing piano than holding the rock in his hand, sharp and jagged like a weapon. Wilbur stood by him, his worn, pale hands perfectly suited to twirling his cigarette, while he looked at you and Tubbo boredly.

"What do you want now?" Wilbur asked lazily, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"You're trespassing on Las Nevadas property," you said bluntly.

"No we're not!" Wilbur laughed, a little maniacal spark alighting in his eyes, "We're just guests, to your wonderful country!"

"You are on Las Nevadas property with intent to harm and cause destruction. Set down that rock, and you'll no longer be trespassing."

Wilbur seemed to think for a moment, and smirked. He spun abruptly around to face Ranboo, who's mismatched eyes were blinking rapidly. "Ranboo, you heard Y/n, set down the rock."

Ranboo leaned down, preparing to drop the rock, but Wilbur put a hand to his arm. "No, not there," he grinned.

Wilbur exhaled a cloud of blue smoke, and pointed his cigarette at the window. Ranboo glanced nervously between you and Wilbur. Shit. This wasn't how you wanted it to go. Ranboo shouldn't have to--

"Do it," Wilbur snapped, with a steel-cold edge to his voice.

And evidently, Ranboo was more scared of Wilbur than you.

Before you could act, Ranboo moved his arm, just barely, and tossed the rock weakly towards the glass. With the sickening crunch of glass, a spiderweb of cracks quickly spread across the window, shivered for a moment, and then shattered inwards, glass shards crashing down in a rainfall of sunlight.

You could feel Tubbo stiffen behind you, and you gripped your axe harder.

In a flash of movement, you slammed Wilbur against the wall, pinning his arms behind with your elbow, and holding the axe to his throat. Wilbur's eyes widened, just barely. Clearly, he hadn't been expecting this.


"How many canon lives are you on?" you asked, trying to smile.

You probably showed too many teeth. Well, let Wilbur be scared of you. The more, the better.

"You're not authorized to kill me, they'll subpoena you in court," he said, evading the question.

"As the head of defense and administration in Las Nevadas, I'm authorized to kill you as long as you're on Las Nevadas land."

Technically, you weren't head of defense--Quackity was, but you were vice president, and that was good enough.

Wilbur visibly paled. His cigarette had dropped to the sandy floor by now. "We'll--" he swallowed, "--we'll get going."

You drew back your axe, releasing him, and taking a step back. "No second chances the next time," you said.

Wilbur glanced over at Ranboo, and beckoned him. They quickly left, turning the corner and disappearing into the vast desert.

As you watched them leave, you slowly ground the cigarette into the sand with your foot, bit by bit. Like you said. No second chances.


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