Chapter 14

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CW: sleepwalking


Something was changing in the air.

You could tell.

Quackity was barely around anymore, his axe never on the wall again. It was always in his hand, as if he was afraid of an attack at any moment. You had no idea what he was even doing, but you could simply feel how tensed he was. Once, when you tried to tap him on the shoulder during a meeting, he had whirled around and put the axe to your throat, before he realized that it was just you.

Sometimes, it felt like everything was slipping out of your hold. How long until there was nothing left?

You didn't know. And that was at the heart of it--you didn't know anything. Quackity refused to share information, and the only time you ever saw him were at monthly meetings.

The burger restaurant continued, and Ranboo and Wilbur's business grew and continued to grow, and the world moved on, but you felt stuck.

You frowned at the biting pain in your arm. You'd accidentally cut yourself on a cactus earlier, and now the alcohol wipes were stinging your arm. Carefully, you wrapped a bandage around it, tying it at the end, and snipping off the ends of the knot. You glanced over at the window. The sun was just setting, and it wasn't as hot as it was earlier. You could take a walk now--maybe it'd be better to clear your head.

Alright then, you'd take a walk.

When you left the hotel building, the sun had already dipped completely below the horizon, and the only sign it had ever been there was a faint pink glow. It was peaceful outside, and if you closed your eyes for a moment, you could pretend that everything was still the same.

You headed towards the needle. It was the highest point in the desert, and you felt like you needed everything to be small right now.

You climbed up the stairs, one by one, until you reached the top, and stepped out into the cool night air again. A gentle wind blew against you, carrying with it the sounds of poker chips clicking and slot machines spinning to stops. Everything felt distant, somewhere else, like something you didn't have to worry about, and for the first time in weeks, you felt yourself relax.

Maybe Purpled was right--sometimes, in times like this, you did want to leave, if only for a brief moment.

You sat down at one of the empty tables, casting your gaze around the needle.

You froze.

On the railing, furthermost from you, was a dark figure, wobbling and listing to one side or another, as they walked across the railing. Step after step, they seemed as if they were in a dream. And then you recognized the pointy fox ears, drooping by their sides.

"Fundy!" you screamed, bolting forward out of your chair.

His eyes snapped open, bright yellow, and they widened, searching around. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, just a little too strong, and Fundy tipped over the edge.


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