Chapter 5

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CW: arguments


"I never invited you," Quackity said, confirming your thoughts, "I wouldn't do that to my people. Many of them wouldn't be comfortable in the same country as you, given your reputation."

"Oh come on, I blow up one country, and now I'm known just for that?!" Wilbur complained.

"To be fair, it is a hundred percent of the countries you've been in," you added, a little spitefully.

Wilbur glanced at you darkly. "I don't need this slander. I'm going to sue you for defamation."

"I'm the only lawyer in this land," Quackity said smoothly, "and if you're going to cause trouble, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. If you'd only listened to what I actually said, you would've known."

"No, you listen!" Wilbur exclaimed angrily, standing up abruptly, and beginning to pace around the table, "You--you create a nation, you mimic me, then why did you even invite me here?!"

"I wanted to show you what I could accomplish. I'm not just a vice president, you know," Quackity said smugly, leaning back in his chair while Wilbur's pacing consistently became more frantic.

"Then that letter was useless!" Wilbur yelled.

"Calm down Wilbur. I have more to discuss with you. Here, take another drink."

Quackity slid over a cocktail, and Wilbur took it, his hands shaking. It was a bit of a futile attempt, at least in your opinion. You'd been a tour guide for Wilbur for an hour, and he was hopeless. It was only six o'clock, and he got more and more energetic with every drink.

"Wilbur, this is so cool," Tommy attempted, finally speaking up, "I kinda want to live here--"

"Tommy, shut up," Wilbur snapped.

He fell silent, and Quackity cast him a pitying look. "Tommy, you could certainly live here, at least in a little time. We're still ironing things out. Wilbur couldn't though. There will be no compromise on that."

Wilbur slammed his hand down on the table. "Then we're done here. Tommy, come on, we're leaving."

"But Wil--"

"We're leaving."

Tommy faltered, and stood up. "Sorry Quackity, Y/n. I'll visit next time--"


Wilbur grabbed Tommy's arm, and with a last wave, Tommy followed Wilbur, who was striding across the garden quickly, the cocktail still in his hand. As he opened the door, Wilbur tossed the glass onto the stone path, the glass shattering and spilling white fizzing alcohol onto the stones.

And then the doors slammed shut, leaving you and Quackity sitting at the table, silent. The chatter of the guests felt louder now that Wilbur was gone.

"I'm glad you didn't invite him to live here," you said after a while, "I don't think any of us could handle him."

"Definitely not," Quackity agreed.

You were silent for a little longer.

"You can take off for the rest of the evening. I'll leave the rest to Fundy, just go and sweep up that glass," Quackity directed.

You nodded. "Alright. Goodnight Quackity."

"Goodnight Y/n."


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