Chapter 6

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Joining Las Nevadas had been one of the dumbest decisions you'd ever made, you considered, looking over the desert from the bluff, where you were assigned to watch over Snowchester.

You didn't regret it, at all. But still--on the tierlist of dumb decisions you'd made, it was the top one that you could think of.

It'd been after you moved out from L'manberg, right after the second (and last) explosion. You had built yourself a cottage by the sea, and you'd been living on your own, ready for a break after the chaos of L'manberg.

And then some asshole had blown up your cottage.

Total, complete destruction. It happened a lot, but that didn't mean you were used to it. The explosion had left a crater in the sand, and it'd blown the roof straight off of your basement, where you'd been making potions in. You didn't like staying inside all that much after that.

It was--it was whatever. It was scary, sure, but you found that you didn't particularly care about your cottage all that much. Apathy had never been a good color on you--you liked being right in the center of action, living life to its fullest.

Quackity had approached you right after, asking you to join Las Nevadas, and you'd refused at first. He'd come back the next day, while you were still homeless, and you'd refused again. And then he'd come back the next, and then the next, and then the next, until you finally asked him--Quackity, why the hell do you want me in your country?

"Y/n, you are an administrative genius. I've seen your work in the third L'manberg cabinet, and the country could've done so much with you in it, if Technoblade didn't blow it up. I want you in Las Nevadas, because I believe that we can leave a legacy so monumental, that it'll never be forgotten," he'd said.

And you'd believed him. But still, you'd said no. Because after L'manberg, you didn't have all that much faith in legacy anymore.

"You don't want to risk it? I thought you were all for risks."

"I am," you'd said, "but this one isn't worth it."

"Then I'll risk something too," Quackity challenged, "let's play a game. If I win, you join Las Nevadas."

"And if I win?"

"I'll rebuild your cottage. Perfectly, down to the last detail. I'll even make it better if you want--I have Sam on my payroll, he's incredible at building."

It sounded fun, and you agreed. Maybe you should've thought it through a little more, but hey, you couldn't change the past.

Quackity had challenged you to poker. And in the last hand, he won.

"Ace of spades," you said, placing down your last card.

It wasn't possible for Quackity to have anything higher.

Quackity smirked, and carefully laid down his last card as well. "Joker. I win."

So you'd joined Las Nevadas.

But, thinking back on it, maybe it was one of the best decisions you'd ever made.


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