Chapter 21

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As soon as you dropped down from the scaffolding, the suffocating heat of lava hit you. It took your eyes a little to adjust to the light.

You were in a large hollow space, the shimmering net of sand shifting hypnotically above. The walls were made of blackstone, and the bubbling lava left an uneasy taste in your mouth. There was a huge red platform, dangling above the lava, suspended by a few chains.

What was this?

A thin strip of cobblestone ran around the lava, leading to another small doorway carved into the blackstone. Keeping your axe in hand, you edged along the wall towards the doorway, peering in, and then entering. Inside was a maze of redstone and repeaters, pistons and detectors.

Oh. Redstone was the one thing you'd never been able to grasp fully. You circled around the machinery. It seemed harmless--but you couldn't make heads or tails of what it was meant to do. There were several circuits, but they didn't seem to be connected to anything.

Sighing, you turned around, heading towards the doorway. As soon as you turned the corner, you froze.

Purpled stood in front of you, expressionless.


"Purpled? What are you doing here?" you asked--more confused than anything.

You could sense it--the shift in his body language, the way he seemed to be staring at nothing at all, the small moon-like crescents from his nails digging in his palms. Purpled was scared.

"I--nothing, what are you doing here?" he said, stumbling over his words.

He was hiding something. You couldn't tell what.

"Did you make this?" you asked, gesturing to the red platform and the redstone.

"... no."

You stepped back, cold washing over you despite the lava. He'd made this. What was it for? What about the sand net? What--

"Purpled, what is this for?"

He wouldn't meet your eyes.

You stepped forward, grabbing his arm. "Purpled, I need you to tell me what this is for."

He still wouldn't speak. His arm was so stiff, it could've just snapped off.

"I'm using my authority as vice president of defense--Purpled, I need to know what this is."

He snatched his arm out of your grip, stepping back, dangerously close to the lava. His eyes were bright--either with incendiary fire, or tears. You couldn't tell. You couldn't tell anything with Purpled--he was too hard to read. "It's nothing you need to worry about," he snapped.

"It's--Purpled, what are you going to do?"


You tightened your grip on your axe. You hated to do this.

With a flash of gleaming metal, you turned the axe so it'd block the strip of cobblestone, and stepped forward. "If you don't tell me, you're going into the lava."

Purpled's face paled and--was it betrayal that flashed across his eyes?

"It's for Quackity," he said dully, a steel edge in his tone.


"Quackity? Why--"

The lava, the chains, the sand. This place was a death trap. Your skin itched, your heart rate quickening. You needed to get out of here. But--

"You're going to kill Quackity."

Purpled didn't have to say anything for you to know.


The question hung in the air, heavy. "Why would you try to kill Quackity? Why would you betray him, us, me--how could you kill Quackity? He made Las Nevadas for us, he created this--this place, he's done nothing but--"

"He blew up my house."


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