Chapter 11

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The sizzling of hot oil filled the silence between you and Tubbo.

The sun was blazing hot outdoors, reflecting in a blinding sheen off of the glass windows, but inside Quackity's newly constructed burger restaurant, it was cool. Tubbo was right next to you, awkwardly grilling hamburger patties on the stove, while you watched over him. Quackity had put you in charge of teaching Tubbo how to make burgers (since nobody else could cook), so you had no choice but to stay here with Tubbo.

He kept glancing at you like you were going to jump him or something. Honestly. He'd once been your president, but he'd probably been even more nervous back then. You had never thought it was a good idea to put the fate of a nation on the shoulders of a kid, but you hadn't had any say in it. What had happened now?

Finally, you got tired of the silence, and grabbed a bowl of lettuce leaves and a knife, beginning to chop them up on a cutting board with sharp thwacks. "If you're going to say something, you should just say it now," you snapped.

Tubbo didn't respond, and you glanced over at him. He was completely focused on flipping the patty with a spatula, completely ignoring you.

Well, if it was that way, what could you do.

You returned to chopping lettuce. The restaurant would be opening at night, when most of the customers came around to play in the casino. Right now, it was early afternoon, right at the hottest point of the day.

Several minutes passed, and you finished chopping the bowl of lettuce, beginning to wash another bowlfull.

Suddenly, the fire burner clicked off.

You glanced over at Tubbo. He tossed the spatula onto the counter, shaking his apron off and dropping it haphazardly next to the spatula. "What?" you asked.

"There are two people talking outside," he said darkly.

You glanced around the windows. You couldn't see anyone--the desert landscape was empty. "Where?"

Tubbo gestured to the left of the restaurant. It was the one place where the building had a blind spot, where it curved in a way that made it hard to see anything but a wall through the window. Tubbo moved quickly around the counter, towards the window, and you followed him. As soon as you turned the corner, you stopped dead in your tracks.

You blinked.

Ranboo blinked back at you.

Wilbur blew out a stream of blue smoke, looking faintly surprised at seeing Tubbo.

Not this again, you weren't going to let anything happen on your watch again. You would handle this. Not Tubbo, not Quackity.

You grabbed your axe (that you carried around with you at all times now), and shoved the front doors open, circling around the building towards where Ranboo and Wilbur were. Tubbo followed behind. You rounded the corner, and shifted your weight, feeling the comforting handle of the axe in your grip.

"You two shouldn't be here," you said.


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