"It's alright dear. I'd rather them ask a million questions, rather than saying nothing and then out of nowhere the accidentally poisoned you." He said with a laugh. However the rest of us look at him in horror.

Once he realized the room wasn't laughing with him quieted down. "Twas a joke. None of these things are poisonous."

I practice walking around a bit and though it still stung like the devils anus, it was bearable. It would still sting but by the time the day of mission came around I should feel a lot better than I did now. And thanks to Friars, herbs, I should be able to be as right as rain, or as close to it, when I get ready to leave.

By the time it was time for us to leave, the clouds began to darken and I knew it was going to rain soon. Friar wanted us to stay, but we needed to get home. Apparently, they quiet literally came here after they looted those rich folks, so they had the loot on them, and they needed to get home and stash them til we can trade them tomorrow morning.

John refused to let me walk, so he carried me home. Robin through his hood over me, not sure if it was to hide me or because I was shivering......probably both. A light shower began and it was such a beautiful sound. You'd think we would've started running, the sound of rain was always welcomed for us.

Even Guy, seemed to enjoy it, and though we were getting a bit wet, the trees and the forest gave us enough shelter, so we didn't get soaked.

I took in a breath and snuggled my head against Johns neck. My mind began to remember one of the nights me and Robin went to the opening. The night when I sang to him. I began to sing it lowly to myself as the rustling leaves, the light wind, and the soft sound of the water hitting the ground sang along with me.

The Fallen written by me

Oh lay Oh lay Oh la
Oh lay Oh lay Oh lee
Oh lay Oh lay Oh la
Oh lay Oh lay Oh lee
Oh lay Oh lay Oh la
Oh lay Oh lay Oh lee
Oh lay Oh lay Oh la
Oh lay Oh lay Oh lee

Before I left for war I met a woman, she was Bonnie
She made my head just jump and I knew she was the one for me
We married, fell in love but soon I had to leave my beauty
Cause war calls for all men and sadly that is me

But I'll fight this vicious war for the woman that I love
Metal clashing Blood dripping
It'll all be okay if I die today
Cause I've Fallen Fallen Fallen
Fallen Fallen Fallen
Fallen Fallen Fallen
On the battlefield
Fallen Fallen Fallen
Fallen Fallen Fallen
Fallen Fallen Fallen
For my love she lives

Oh lay Oh lay Oh la
Oh lay Oh lay Oh lee
Oh lay Oh lay Oh la
Oh lay Oh lay Oh lee
Oh lay Oh lay Oh la
Oh lay Oh lay Oh lee
Oh lay Oh lay Oh la
Oh lay Oh lay Oh lee

While I sang, Will, John, and Robin began to join in. Much couldn't help but laugh at Johns attempt at singing. Man couldn't hold a note, even if it was solid. But we sang and laughed all the same.

"I didn't know you could sing." Said Guy.

"Before I came of age, my owner at the time wanted to make the most of me. At the time there weren't many men who were interested in me when I was young, so I sang and danced for some of there entertainment." I said. Guys expression became solemn for a moment, but he quickly covered it and nodded his head. He turned himself to me and gave me a small smile.

"There is song I'd like to hear you sing. It's called Sassenach. Do you know it?" He asked.

Will turned to him. "I haven't heard that beautiful tune in awhile. Tis a sad but beautiful song."

Robin nodded in agreement.

I've never sung the song myself, but I've heard it hundreds of times. However half the song was sung in a language I did not understand or how to speak.

"I know the song, but I'm don't know how to speak the language it's originally in." I said.

"I'll sing it to you in English, but second time around you have to singe it with me, deal?" Will said.

Sassenach by me

Mmm mmm mmmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmmm mmm

In a land far away ther was a child that was born
Traveled land and sea not knowing where they belonged
Casted from the home
Thrown into the unkown
They had no name
So they gave them one
They called them Sassenach
The stranger from the ton
Outlander from beyond
Where do they go
Why do they roam
Poor Sassenach
The one without a home

Mmm mmm mmmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmmm mmm

Once he was done and started again I joined in. The song had always been beautiful to me, but now that I know what it actually meant, it made my heart ache. Outlander from beyond. I have never related to a song so much.

I never thought about my parents or my family at all. And I never felt the need to. I was find with not knowing where I came from. Not knowing where I belonged. The less I cared, the less it hurt. But now I found a place. Some place I could call home, and now I have to leave it. As I sang, i lifted my head to the sky and allows the rain to hit my face.

I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. A few tears escaped. Thankfully, the teardrops blended in with the rain that fell on my face.

I kept my eyes closed and me and the boys sang, laughed, and listened to the rain, all the way home.

Robin And The Girl With The Crimson HairWhere stories live. Discover now