I've listened to audiobooks before, but, of course, only those that fit the censorship. I could not even dream that I would ever openly listen to the book that was my biggest secret in life, and even in the version of the play, and even with a guy next to me.

"Your boyfriend," suggests my subconscious, and for sure my cheeks are blushing at this moment, because for me, despite everything, it's still terribly unusual to realize that I'm in a relationship, and it hasn't been that long since I've been on this side. Who would have thought? This is all madness.

I again cast a curious glance at my madness behind the wheel, trying to read on his face what he thinks about the story he hears. The guy meets my gaze with a slight smile, and I hurriedly turn away under the reason that I need to take another sip.
In fact, I see the same pleasure in his face that I feel myself, and this makes me smile stupidly through the side window. I think I would have felt the same way if Aiden had gone to the theater with me then. I just have to do everything to make it happen one day!

So we go, glancing at each other from time to time and admiring the local scenery. The curved ridges of the mountains are already visible from here.

The audio performance lasts no more than two hours. This new format gave me a huge boost of strength and inspiration – the story seemed to come to life in front of me. Just now an amazing thought came to my mind: what if there is also a film adaptation? What if there are movies based on all my favorite books?!

I can't see myself from the outside, but I'm almost sure that my eyes are shining enthusiastically.

"How do you like the story?" I ask Aiden cautiously while he selects a playlist for later playback in the remaining couple of hours of the road.

"Not bad, but you can't say it's about love or relationship," the guy replies.

It would be naive to expect that he would treat it with the same trepidation as I do. I once again fell for the bait of my inflated expectations.

"What is it about then?" I sincerely wonder.

"Hmm... about a dream, about a meeting. This is certainly a beautiful, but still a fairy tale," the guy begins. "After all, we find, in fact, only the moment of their acquaintance. We don't know anything about what happened afterwards. Maybe he landed her on a nearby island or sold her to pirates."

I roll my eyes, smiling and sighing at the same time.

"What? Am I not right?" Aiden spurs on.

Of course, I follow the logic in his words, it just didn't occur to me to look from this point of view.

"This is also a story about hope and faith. I don't think Grey would have put in so much effort if he wasn't serious," I retort.

In fact, it has only just dawned on me that in real life people want to "meet a soul mate" as if that's it, as if happiness would be for everyone at once right after the meeting. And how much more is waiting ahead after that... For some reason, rarely any stories tell about what happens next. Of all that I have managed to read here so far, almost none. This realization is shocking and partially breaks my pink glasses.

Sensing my tension, Aiden turns on a playlist with a dancing girl, with which I am already well acquainted (I already know some songs by heart) and gently touches my hand, giving me a short apologetic look, "This is a beautiful story, I just have a slightly different perception."

"No, no, you're right

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"No, no, you're right. I've been living in my own world of far-fetched illusions for a long time," I finally agree, covering his palm with mine, "But, you know, it helped me not to go crazy. It's nice to believe that at least book characters get their happiness in the end, to come up with a positive development of events when your own life is falling apart."

I really don't want to give in to sadness right now, so I reach out to turn up the volume a little  and start singing along, thereby surprising the guy sitting next to me. Honestly, I'm so tired of feeling sorry for myself. Sometimes I spend so much time on memories and experiences about days gone by that I forget to be in the moment and just live. If I don't change this state of things, then no one will change it for me.

By the time we arrive at our destination, it's almost completely dark outside the window. And, as I feel, after opening the car door, it got colder suddenly. This fact reminds me that there are not many warm clothes in my wardrobe, and there are no warm clothes at all with me right now.

While Aiden is figuring out which house we need to move into, I carefully look around, hoping to spot Leo and his girlfriend. I can't wait to meet her. There is no end to my assumptions – I devoted about an hour of the road to thinking about a mysterious stranger, and now I'm literally burning with impatience, wondering which of them will eventually be confirmed.

"Leo will be waiting for us at one of the cafes on the territory in half an hour," Aiden informs, removing the phone from his ear, "We'll have to look for something warm for you - it's cold in the mountains at night."

We get back in the car, and in a few minutes we get to our place for the next four days.

It's strange: the trip was comfortable, but for some reason I feel exhausted. To the point that I even decide not to change clothes, but to stay in jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers.

Aiden gives me the key and goes to pick up our things from the trunk.

Entering the cabin, I instantly feel an extraordinary comfort (probably because the interior is of natural shades and the room is not very large: downstairs there is a kitchen and a living room with a TV and a fireplace, upstairs there is a bedroom with a balcony and a bathroom.

While I'm looking around, Aiden comes in.

"Do you like it?" he asks, putting his arm around my waist.

"Very much," I answer simply but honestly.

"Take this, we'll have to walk, and I don't want you to freeze," the guy adds, helping me put on his leather jacket.

"Thank you."

I hope he has something warm to wear himself.

I giggle softly when I notice my reflection in the mirror on the wall – Aiden's jacket looks comically oversized on me, however, it's better than nothing.

The territory of the base is quite extensive – the cabins are located at a decent distance from each other, and numerous cafes, restaurants and other establishments are at least 10 minutes away – everything so people would be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of nature.

I can't wait to walk around these places in the light of day: it's already too dark for witnessing the full picture.

Aiden holds my hand tightly and at the same time texts to Leo to clarify where we should go after all. Apparently, he is not so moved by the upcoming meeting. At least, he still hasn't said a word about it.

"Here they are," the guy says and confidently moves to the entrance of one of the cafes. I still can't make out the couple in the window in these short moments.

Well, surprise means surprise.

Well, surprise means surprise

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