Chapter 17: The ball of Fall

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For the ball, I decided that I would wear a dark red dress with black lace and gold ornaments. My hair was loose and looked like a shiny waterfall. The only accessory I had in my hair was a red jewel butterfly given to me by Jackson. I also had a gold bracelet around my wrist and a necklace of the same color. My shoes were dark red and black like my dress.

Of course, for the plan to work completely I had to enter the ballroom without a partner, which is quite shocking for someone of my status. Once I was in front of the big doors that lead to the ballroom, my name was announced and I entered. Everyone turned toward me. When they noticed that I was alone, they started to whisper and giggle. I didn't pay much attention.

More and more students came in until it was time for the third prince of Milvana and crown prince of Tan to enter. Since both of them were of the highest status in the school at the time, they entered last. Both didn't have a partner, but it wasn't the reason why they stood out so much. The two of them were heavenly handsome, and I mean it (In my eyes, Jackson was superior but I didn't say anything). Sebastian was wearing a night sky blue and black suit, while Jackson had a suit that surprisingly almost matched my dress. When Jackson saw that our clothes were extremely similar, he seemed surprised and had a little smile on his face that soon vanished.

The greetings were exchanged between students. Even I had to greet both princes, not that I minded since we could exchange a few words without raising suspicions. Both looked stern but said sweet words, and Jackson's comment melted my heart once I heard it, I almost blushed.

"If it weren't for the plan, I would have taken you to a private room so that no one else could see your beauty."

"Jackson, calm your hormones." Scolded Sebastian

"oh! that's right, you are still here." Answered Jackson

"Not cool." That is what Sebastian last said while giving Jackson the side eye

Okay, that was sweet but I had to leave as to not be suspicious. I left those two behind, went to fetch a glass of a soft drink, and headed to the terrace until the music would have started. As I was beside the protective railing, I heard someone open the curtain and step outside, onto the balcony. Knowing that I left the little decoration that is visible, to let know to other guests that someone was using the terrace. When I turned around ready to comment on the rudeness of the person, I saw that Magi and William were both standing behind me. Of course, I was surprised to see them together. It must have been obvious because what William said next pointed at it.

"Surprised to see Magi and me together? Sorry, but you were fooled by my charms." He said with too much confidence in his looks.

"First, call me by my last name idiot. WE. ARE. NOT. FRIENDS. Second, you are truly pitiful Angela. Not only have you been set up by us, but you can't even tell your friends the truth. Oops, sorry. I forgot that they are your ex-friends." Both started laughing and I put my acting skills to the test.

"How could you?! I trusted you, Magi, as a close friend. And you William, I thought that we started to have a special relationship." I said with tears in my eyes.

"You truly are an idiot, but I don't mind marrying you. You do have a great body and good money after all." Continued William while Magi gave him a look of dicus

"Did you think that I didn't do shit? Like hell, I hate your guts. You are perfect for NO. FUCKING. REASONS. I made sure that I destroyed your life, reputation, and relationships. Bitch, you don't deserve Jackson. And soon he will be mine. I will be his new fiance, I even broke off my engagement with my worthless ex-fiance. " Said Magi

"You broke off your engagement with your fiance? But he was so nice." I said

"He is poor. I don't deserve to live in poverty! I am a queen after all."

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