Chapter 10: girls

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The group was at the dining area for breakfast, we became friends with Magi and her group so they joined us.

"Classes are not too hard for you boys?" I asked

"No" answered Jackson

"Easy for you to say! You have the top score in all subjects!" Protested Sebastian

"Sebastian it is hard for you because you don't study at all." Replied Max

"No, you two just study too much. You should enjoy school time as much as you can before you have duties!" Continued Sebastian

We all laughed at that.

"Anyway, how are your fighting classes, Angela?" Asked Magi

"They are great, we are all progressing. Lilian is even on a winning streak, when we have to fight like if it is a real-life threat Lilian gets all serious and wins." I replied

"You got to be joking?! Lilian, SERIOUS? Hahaha." Continued Lili

"Lili doesn't laugh, you are jealous because I am better than you at something." Lilian protested

We all continued to chat, eat and laugh. Afterward, we had to go to our respective classes but mine and Lilian's were canceled so we had nothing to do. A group of girls suddenly came and asked Lilian to follow them if he wished, I giggled because I was almost sure he was going to get a contest too but he had no clue. I was then left alone until Jessica grabbed me and dragged me to a quiet area.

"Angela, I need to tell you something." Said Jessica with a look of terror in her eyes

"What is it miss Saumon?"

"Please call me Jessica, after all, friends call each other by their first name. Anyway, I know that you are friends with Priscilla but she is a terrible person! Just yesterday she threw my books in the garden while it was raining. Sh-She is a terrible person! She hates me, Angela!" At that point, she was crying openly

"Do you have any proof that it was Miss Welfare that threw your books? And please call me miss Castrix, I do not remember talking to you before, let alone accepting your friendship." She looked shocked at my last comment but soon she had her sorrowful face again

"I saw her, and some of my friends as well. I know that it is hard to believe me because I am a commoner, but please you have to do something I know you are a just person." At that point I was laughing, when I managed to regain my composer I said

"You know yesterday when it was raining Priscilla and I was together in the dorms with our other friends. I don't understand your full intentions behind those accusations and actions, but please refrain from doing something like this or you will face the consequences."

On that note, I left, but while going past her I saw anger and hate on her face. Lilian appeared out of nowhere with an expression saying what is going on?

"I don't know why, but Jessica seems to hate Priscilla and she is trying to destroy her reputation." I started


"Should we tell her?"

"I think we should tell her and the others."

"Alright, shall we go to the library to study a little before our upcoming test?"

"Yeah, I think I need it. But you will have to act as the teacher."

"Now, what did those girls ask of you?" At that, he blushed and I laughed

On that note, we spend the rest of the hour at the library before going to our alchemy class. There we learned about the moonflower, what are the good and bad aspects of it and how to brew this flower. The moonflower is a rare flower that appears only on a full moon, it has delicate petals that have a transparent blue color. This flower can either be used as a poison or an antidote for its poison. We learned how to brew that flower but it was impossible to do it in actual practice since the flower is so precious and rare.

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