I'll be back

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Well here I am standing infront of the station I practically grew up in getting ready to tell maya I'm leaving the station in a 2 weeks so I'm handing in my resignation letter, Andy doesn't know yet, she will know, this time I'm not leaving without saying goodbye, but I was accepted into the US marines, that I need to tell Andy sooner than later, I also have ring not an engagement ring but a promise ring that I will always come back.

I cant bring myself to go in, it's like the end of an era, and then end of part of me I guess. I step into those firmilar doors that i have walked through so many times before, but this is one of the last times I will do this. I knock of mayas door slightly shaking.
"Come in," she says, I open the door and she looks disappointed that it's me," maddy I'm very busy, what do you want," she says, at least someone won't miss me.
"Just wanted to give you my resignation," I say handing her the letter. She looks Suprised but not at the same time, doesn't really bother me anymore. I leave mayas office and go to find Andy, I need to tell her before maya does.
"Hey, can I talk to you," I say leading her out to the roof top, it is literally the only private space in this station.
"What's up," she asks smiling.
"I'm leaving station 19," I say as I'm hugging her.
"Why," she says shocked.
"I haven't done any actual work for months, I have been on desk duty for as longer than we have been in an actual relationship, and maya doesn't know that I heard my kids are calling her mom now instead of me," I say not wanting to let her go.
"What are you going to do," she asks.
"I've been accepted into the US marines, I'm not being deployed yet, so you don't have to worry, and I'm still here for 2 weeks, " I say hugging her tighter so she can't just leave.
"Why would you do that maddy, you can't just do something like that without talking to me first, this relationship is based on trust maddy, you can't keep doing things like this," she say breaking from the hug, " I think we should take a break," she says.
"Wh..what," I stutter.
"We should take a break," she says leaving me on the roof, falling to pieces.
I stayed on the roof pretty much all day, I'm still on desk duty so I wasn't needed for any of the calls. I did book my self a hotel for the next few weeks, since Andy has said we should have a break, I don't think I should go home, they are on a call and the shift is over so I'm going to grab a bag before Andy gets back.

When I get home I grab the ring box and write a note with it.
To Andrea,
I'm sorry for breaking your trust, I was going to give you this before I left on my first deployment, it's a promise ring, just so I can keep my promise of always coming back, I love you, and I'll see you around I guess, sorry this wasn't ment to be right now,
Love from
Maddy xx

I grab a rucksack throw some clothes and my laptop in it along with my chargers, as I'm about to leave I take one last look at the apartment and close the door posting the key through the letter box.
When I said I booked a hotel I really ment I booked a motel, its cheaper and closer to training grounds, makes my life easier.

Andys pov

I'm just making coffee when I feel someone grab my hand," can I talk to you," maddy says gently holding my hand and guiding me to the roof, it's the only place you can get any privacy around here.
"What's up," I ask with a small smile on my face.
"I haven't done any actual work for months, I have been on desk duty for as longer than we have been in an actual relationship, and maya doesn't know that I heard my kids are calling her mom now instead of me," she says I started hugging her half way through, but I'm Suprised that Matthew and robbin are calling maya mom, mabey this is why she has seemed so odd at the moment.
"What are you going to do," I ask moving some stray hairs out of her face.
"I've been accepted into the US marines, I'm not being deployed yet, so you don't have to worry, and I'm still here for 2 weeks, "she says pulling me in closer, I don't think she wants me to leave but this just annoyed me more.
"Why would you do that maddy, you can't just do something like that without talking to me first, this relationship is based on trust maddy, you can't keep doing things like this," I say breaking from the hug, " I think we should take a break," I say.
"Wh..what,"she stutters, I knew what this would do but this is the only solution right now.
"We should take a break," I say leaving her on the roof, I already regret what I just did, but I'm not caving.

"Maddy and I are taking a break," I say falling onto the sofa in mayas office.
"What why," she asks her eyes slightly blood shot.
"She is leaving station 19 and joined the marines without even asking me if it was ok, I love her but I don't think it's going to work," I tell maya, I think she's been crying no clue why.
"I know she is leaving, she handed in her 2 weeks notice," maya mumbles showing me the piece of paper.
"She heard you on the phone saying that your now being called mom by the twins, I think that is one of the reasons she is leaving, plus it doesn't help that she has been of desk duty for over 2 months," I tell maya.
"I get it Andy I messed up," she yells.
"No you didn't, just relax, " I say as we get called out, I jog out of mayas office and maddy still isn't down here. I'm sorry maddy, I really am.

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