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5 months today, since I got back I have my evaluation today, and I met someone, her name is Kate, she is 19, and I turn 19 in 1 week, she really beautiful, dark brown hair that's always in her signature braid, but I think it's adorable, plus she just applied for med school I really hope she gets in, we are just freinds as well she has a girlfriend, we'll look on the bright side at least I'm not crushing on a straight girl.

I walk into my psychiatrist office, and she has a smile in her face, the only thing is my kids they just turned 2, I mean if I leave again what will Andy think, I mean she can't blame me, I liked it out there apart from the fact the guy that treated me like a sister died helping me, but I'm fine I need to get back out there.
"I have good news," Dr sands says handing me a piece of paper, approved I can go back out there finally.
" thank you," I say leaving the office.

I get back and see, Kate sat there tears in her eyes," hey what happened," I say hugging her, she sobbs into my chest, struggling to get a word out, I carry her to my room where I lie down with her still in my arms.
"Ella, cheated on me," she says sobbing.i put her on the bed and stand up.
"I'll be back," I say, wait where are you going I hear from the door. I make to Ella's apartment. I bang on the door to the point I hear cracking.
" alright I'm coming, maddy what are you doing here," she says Suprised.
"What the hell is wrong with you, you cheated on the most perfect girl in the bloody world I mean, why, what went through you thick ass skull to think that was a good Idea," I yell pushing her put of the way so I'm stood In her apartment.
"Tbat is the biggest mistake of my life, I know she's perfect, don't act like your actually upset, I mean i know you have a crush on her, you always have," she yells trying to push me out the door.
"Yes, but I would never do anything to hurt her, I would have, told her every minute of every day, that I love her and that she is perfect and she means everything to me," I yell with her trying to move me, mind I stand at least 5 inches taller than her, I'm 5'9, she is anywhere between 5'2-5'4," Stay away from Kate," I say leaving her apartment.


I get back and Kate is asleep in one of my hoodies and sweatpants. I crawl In beside her as I was out for 5 hours I needed to get rid of some anger. Not even sure why I was angry, probably because such a sweet and innocent human doesn't deserve this, she curls into my side so I wrap an arm around her, I mean Ella was right about one thing, I am in love with her. But I'm going back to Iraq, I have 2 more months home, so I'm going to make these 2 months the best of her life


"Morning," she says groggily.
" Hey, you ok," I ask moving some of her hair out of her eyes.
  " been better," she says.
  " do you want to have a movie marathon," I ask, remembering I got the extended, hunger games trilogy box set for her. I pull it out of my bed side table, and hand it to her.
"That would be great," she say resting her head on my shoulder, it gives me butterfly's it shouldn't, I don't want to be a rebound but, she is as I have mentioned perfect, she could be in a film and wouldn't need any makeup that makes the actress more beautiful.i put the dvd in and she rests her head on my chest, I hear little snores and kiss the top of her head.


Well that was enjoyable, we slept through most of it, I need to do stuff except I want to be here for Kate," Hey, what do you want to do," I say.
"Do you want to go for a walk," she asks,"we could bring Robin and Matthew," she adds.
"Yeh we can do that, it's up to you," I respond.
I drive us all down to Eliot Bay where we first met, when we were both out for runs. We walk down the bay, in silence, what is going through her head. This seams off, do I drive her home or do we walk in silence. Suddenly she intertwines our hands together, this is something new.
"You ok," I ask
"Yeh, " she says quietly in lacing our hands and putting her arm around my waist instead.
"You sure, " I question.
"Do you have feelings for me," she Questions stopping dead in her tracks.
"Why," I ask, starting to feel quite sick.
"Cause Emma texted last night begging me to get back with her and give her another chance, but she also said that you went over to her house and threatened her, she also said that you told her that you love me," she says all off this so fast, I just want to know what she said.
"Are you going to give her another chance," I ask, she nods, why cheating should not be forgiven, why I'm always there for her not Emma.
"Ok then,I'll take you to her house," I say turning around, I can feel tears start to prickle my eyes, no I shut my eyes begging for them not to fall. We get to the car and I open the door for her, once I've put Matthew and Robin in there car seats. I drive her back to her stupid girlfriends house. I help her out the car and say my goodbyes, I drive back to my house, fighting off the urge to cry.


I slam the front door not knowing that my sister is here," who put you in a bad mood," maya asks, jokingly.
" goodnight everyone," I say handing her the twins.
" Ok Andy what happened to her," maya asks.
"No clue but Kate isn't here so I'm assuming it was her," Andy says pouring them all a glass of wine.
"Who's Kate, " maya questions.
" Oh her best friend that pretty much lives here," she responds.
I'm in my room just wishing that I was straight, why couldn't I just be normal  of all the people she could choose, Emma the lying cheating bitch that choose someone else over her to feel good. I was going to tell her I'm going back to the army but, well no that is not happening anymore, I'll just disappear she won't care, but I'll be aloud a phone hopefully.

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