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"Wait your graduating,"he says dropping his bag to hug me but picks me up and spins me around instead.
" yes, and I have applied for the fire academy," I say still with my feet above the ground.
" proud of you," he says putting me on the floor,"so what should we watch tonight,it Friday so we don't need to sleep," he says following me to my room.
"We could do a marvle marathon," I say flopping down onto my bed.
" I'm down," he says and I turn around to see him making himself st home.the film begins and maya pushes the door fully open I mean nothing is ever going to happen between us a, we are best friends and b, Carter has a boyfriend.
" Hey, do you guys want pizza, carina is ordering some now," she say looking at us she may be confused as my head is on his chest and his arms are wrapped around me.
"Sure, thanks sis," I say before she leaves," how's Kevin," I ask him.
" Kevin is amazing, he has been granted a scholarship at nyu," he says smiling at the thought of his boyfriend, Kevin is a very close friend of mine I would call him and Carter my chosen family, they are both 17 turning 18 and generally we all hang out together with is great they are both extremely protective over me.


The pizza arrives, and maya yells for me to come and get Carter starts to get the next film ready, I run out of my room,"thanks maya" I yell before going to turn around.
"So bambina, how's the boyfriend," carina asks.
"What boyfriend," I ask trying to think," Oh you mean Carter, he's is definitely not my boyfriend I'm nor exactly his type," I say trying to get out of this awkward situation.
" really, then what is his type," maya asks raising an eyebrow.
" men,"I respond before exiting the room.


We watched movies long into the morning It was about 6:30 when we actually fell asleep, we also went through about 4 bags of popcorn. I woke up around 7:30 and made my way to the kitchen to see maya making a protien shake,"can you make me on, and are you going for a run," I ask maya quietly.
" yeh you got 5 minutes, if you want to join me," she responds.i blot to my room to change into my leggings, I guarantee that Carter won't be awake for a good 4 hours.
" ready," I say walking into the kitchen.
" Let's go then," she say walking out the door.we run to the beach, which is around 7 miles away. It doesn't take us as long as I thought it would.
  "Did you apply," maya asks as we sit down on the sand.
" for what," I question knowing exactly what she ment.
" the fire academy,"she says pushing my shoulder.
" yeh, I applied weather I'll get in is another question," I say rubbing my temples.
"I'm sure you will get in kid," she says standing up and offering her hand, I take it and she pulls me off the floor.
We run back home I mean we were out for 3 hours and we ran 14 miles with a 1 hour and 26 minute break on the beach.we walk through the front door and are hit with the smell of French toast, I can tell who the cook is in this house.


" wake up," I say slamming him with a pillow.
" I'm up,"he say pulling me onto the bed," so we may have been invited to a pre graduation party tonight, want to go," he asks.
"Hell yeah," I respond handing him some French toast.

The evening rolls around quicker that I would think. I tell maya that I'm just going out for coffee which probably isn't the best idea as I have just moved in with her but it's not like I'm going to get high, or something."You, guys made it," Jack yells at the top of his lungs hugging us, I've spoken to Jack a couple of times only because he is friends with Carter he seems cool.
" yeh, we did is Kevin here,"cater asks.
"Sure, I think,"as soon as he says the Carter wonders off leaving me at the door,"so there's beer out back, vodka basically anything you want we got." Jack says pushing me into the crowd. I have never been to a party so this was very odd, I get handed a shot glass, which I am assuming was vodka, tasted like it, I go to grab another one and some yells that we are doing 7 minutes in heaven or if you don't want to do that then you take a shot.
"So who's up first," a random guy says.
" I vote maddy," Olivia says standing up.
" sure liv, I'll go," I say spinning the bottle, it lands on zach don't get me wrong he's hot but I wouldn't go there normally.
" Let's go then mads," he says offering me his hand, I take it and he leads me to the closet, we make out for 7 minutes only pulling away for breath he also may have left a mark on my neck but ehh who cares.we hear a knock on the door, to tell us that the seven minutes is over, we exit the closet and both go to the kitchen to grab a drink he get rum and I grab another shot, I have to be about 7 in buy now. I can feel my head spinning, I think zach may have put something in my drink as he gave it to me as I could feel myself falling until I wasn't and everything was black......

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