I trusted you

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I spend the next few days not leaving mayas spare room much to her objection, I only leave to go for a run and 4:30 in the morning as I do every day, there is a bathroom attached so that solves one problem. I had an email from the fire academy saying that I didn't get in due to being under 18 so the just made me feal worse, I have been looking for jobs around but nothing is available right now.
" madalyn Bishop, I swear to fu***ng god I you don't come out of that room I will drag you out," maya yells from the other side.
" f off maya," I yell back not wanting to talk or be around people.
" watch your language," she says picking the lock on the door and opening it," come on get up I'm taking you to the station," she says grabbing my hand and dragging me off the bed.
" maya, please leave me alone," I plead.
"I have left you alone for the past four days, I don't know what's wrong with you but you need to get your act together," she says handing me a hoodie from her wardrobe as she dragged me into her room, it was a navy station 19 hoodie extremely warm which is good as I had been really cold recently, no clue why. We walk to the car even though I protested against going but she was adamant she would get me out of the house, unfortunately she succeeded, she tried to talk to me but I remained silent for the entire car ride.
" maddy, your back," Andy says pulling me into a hug, I'm still extremely mad at her so I don't look her in the eyes, I give her I quick nod before leaving her in the entrance maya was still in the car on a call with carina, and I didn't want to listen to that so I left. I walk up to the bridge above the engines and sit with my legs crossed trying to think about what to do all day.
" maddy," Jack says approaching me ,"you ok," he questions.
" I'm fine jack, just alot to think about right now," I say taking his hand to help me off the floor. I walk off to the gym take off my hoodie at long sleeved shirt so I'm left in leggings and a sports bra, I hop on the treadmill, place my headphones in and start to listen to 'the kill' by 30 seconds to Mars. I end up running for around 3 hours I heard people come in to talk to me but I just brushed them off like I couldn't hear them when in reality I could. About 5 minutes later someone unplugged the treadmill and made me fall.
" asshole," I say as I stand up feeling blood run down my cheek.
" ah she does speak," Andy says, making me slightly mad, I mean I trusted her and she broke that, I hate reveling things about myself so for her to go and tell carina, for me that is unforgivable, well at least now it is," you gonna talk to me at all," she asks.i don't respond to her and grab a kettle bell so I can do a core workout, she can  stay or leave I don't care.
"Maddy listen to me," she demands.
" what Andy, why should I listen to you, I mean I listened when you said you wouldn't tell anyone, you lied then so why wouldn't you now," I say almost yelling, I put my headphones back in and continue to do my workout, once I'm done with the kettle bell I go over to the pull up bar my record is 47 in a row the world record is 48 and I want to beat that so I'm gonna train for that, I mean I don't have to start fire academy yet as I was rejected so...
" maddy I had, maddy," she say removing one of my headphones," maddy I had to tell carina, you need to be checked," she tells me whilst I do pull ups, I'm not actually listening so I don't know what she says.
" Andy I don't give two shades of $h!t what you have to say right now, I trusted you and I clearly shouldn't have now if you will kindly leave me alone I would appreciate it," I say grabbing the headphone from her hand and my t-shirt and hoodie off the floor before heading to the Beanery to grab a drink. The klaxon goes off, engine 19, truck 19 and aid car 19. I didn't hear the address, the all go up and left so it was just me in the station, I walk out of the front door since no one is there to stop me and go back to the apartment where I collapse on the sofa drifting into a deep sleep.

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