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Well, that was not a good day, still laying in a hospital bed with tear stained cheeks, how did she not notice my feelings, I wish I was dead but that will not happen. I will not let that happen.
"Carina said you could live with us... maddy what happened," maya says entering.
"Oh you know Andy came by, and guess what they are engaged," I say as she hugs me," would you be mad if I transferred station's," I question.
"A little yes but your not working for the next couple of months so think about it and come live with me," she says turning on the TV.


2 weeks later and we'll I'm finally out of hospital, I get into mine and andys apartment, looking around to find all of my stuff already in boxes, they do realise that this is my house to right I pay for half of the rent. I was gone for two weeks, and they packed my stiff for me, my room looks like a desert, my kids room empty, along with my kids.
"Andy, where the fuck are my kids," I yell now pissed.
"Maya took them, and sullivan packed all your stuff up for you," she say going back to her room.
"Andy," I say walking into her room to find her crying," Ok why are you crying," I mumble.
"I don't know, It might be my period or it could be the fact that your moving," she say God why can't she deal with the fact that she wanted this life with sullivan.
"You and sullivan chose this, not me I was quite happy here until he came along and you completely dropped me as a friend, I was here for moths being ignored," I get cut off by her kissing me I kiss back she pushes me away
" I shouldn't have done that, God he is going to kill me," she says pacing the room.
"Goodbye Andy, I'll collect my stuff before I transfer, " I say leaving.
"What," I hear her say from behind a closed door. I hear the door open again, to see her with a tear struck face. I know I shouldn't but it's magnetic, I walk over to her picking her up so she can't touch the floor, this is a bad Idea, as I put her down I kiss her, almost like a Goodbye kiss, but not at the same time I'm not actually transferring, I just want her to feel the way I did when I found out about her engagement.
"Do you feel anything for me," I ask afraid of her answer.
"Of course I do your my best freind but I'm with Robert and I don't like you that way," she says, still holding around my neck, I can only hope she changes her mind.


I forgot maya had moved into a bigger apartment with three bedrooms, when I got there she had already put the little demons to bed for me, probably a good thing as I still hadn't stopped crying.
"Come on mads," she says laying on her bed with carina, she pats the middle spot between them, like she did when I came here 6 years ago.
"What happend bambina," carina say putting her arm over my shoulder.
"I kissed Andy, and she definitely does not feel that way about me, they had packed all of my stuff maya, everything my room was empty apart from the pile of boxes in the corner of my room," I can't stop tears from falling it's not fair, everything goes wrong," do you think I should go back to therapy," I ask, causing maya and carina to look at me like a dead body.
" why you ok," maya asks pulling me over to her, so my head is resting on my chest.
"I don't know, just think I should probably get back on my anxiety and depression meds again," I mumble.
"I can take you to the hospital Tomorrow if you want, don't you have an appointment with Bailey anyway," carina says holding my hand.
"Yeh thank you, just think it might stabilise me a little but," I mumble, so glad I have a couple of weeks off.

Andys pov

I cant believe what Robert and I have done, she was in hospital, we just spung it on her, and we have put all of her stuff in boxes, God I'm I'm horrible person, I know she has feelings for me, and at this time I don't know who I'm in love with, Robert sulliven or madalyn Bishop, she may have feelings now but she won't in a couple of minutes when she gets in from being release from hospital, I haven't seen her since she made us leave honestly I wish I was a better person it was the wrong place to inform her of that.
The door opens and I can see her through the crack in my bedroom door, she looks horrified, why am I doing this to her,"Andy,"she says walking into my room,I have tears slowly edging there way down my face," Ok why are you crying," she mumbles.
"I don't know could be my period or it could be the fact your moving," I say I don't know why this was my choice.
"You and sullivan chose this, not me I was quite happy here until he came along and you completely dropped me as a friend, I was here for moths being ignored,"she says but I cut her off kissing her oh no I can't be doing this but I can't stop myself.
" I shouldn't have done that, God he is going to kill me, "I say ribbing my head.
"Goodbye Andy, I'll collect my stuff before I transfer, " she says leaving.
"What," what I say from behind a closed door. I open the door and she walks towards me she pulls me in kissing me but this felt different like a Goodbye.
"Do you feel anything for me," she wispers into my ear.
"Of course I do your my best freind but I'm with Robert and I don't like you that way," I say , still holding around her neck, I dont know how I feel and this is the safest answer I could give. She leaves no more words said, did I really just lose my best friend.

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