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Maddys pov
I froze when I saw maya, I don't want to see her but there was always that risk being at her work and all. Why did she have to just stand there.
" maddy," she says snapping me out of my trance.
" no," I reply
" maddy please," she pleads.
" no maya,just no, see you later Andy,"I say speed walking out of the station, I slow down the pace once I am far enough from the station and start to head back to andys apartment.i feel my phone buzz in my pocket, number unknown. I answer just because you can say some stupid things to people.
"Where are you maddy you have been missing for 4 months," the man says, then it clicks its my dad.
" you threw me out, I'm not coming back, you don't want a gay person under your roof," I say hanging up, my phone rings again and it's Jo.
" what do you want Jo,"I say
" bambina, are you ok," she asks.
" I'm fine, stop contacting me," I say nearly in tears,I'm sorry carina, it's not you it's me, but you don't know that, if I talk to you maya will talk to me and I'm not ready for that.
" good bye carina," I say hanging up,as the aid car pulls up next to me.
" maddy," maya yells out of the window.
"No maya, take a hint," I yell back I'm not in the mood, guess I will have to stop going to the station.
"Maddy," Andy says getting out of the aid car," come back to the station with us I need your help."she continues
" Andy, I have some stuff to do, I'll see you when you get home," I say jogging off. Why won't maya just leave me alone its so annoying at this point, does she not get that I don't want to be around her, or talk to her or quite Frankly see her.


I hear the door open to andys apartment, waking me up froma deep sleep," hey mads," she says going to hug me but I get the wave of nausea that has become very familiar to me. I dart to the bathroom and being to throw up, god I hate this, I wish I had noticed sooner.
" your ok maddy,your going to hate me for saying this but you do need to get an ultra sound," she says holding me close to her.
" I know but, I will not go to grey sloan, I'll book one tomorrow," I say resting my head on her shoulder, by the time this baby is born I will be 17 and I have a plan now, maya, carina and Andy will not like it but its my life, and I'll do it whether they like it or not.
" I'll do it for you now pac north," she asks and I respond not with words but a nod.


We walk into the hospital and by we I mean me and Andy, my hands are shaking and my heart is pounding in my chest it is so loud I can hear my pulse in my head.
" you ok," andys asks place a hand on my knee to stop it bouncing up and down.
" yeh, I'm good, perfect, couldn't be better," I say not really paying attention to surroundings.
  " maddy everything will be fine, you have nothing to worry about," she says rubbing my knee.
" madalyn Bishop," a doctor says, I stand up and grab andys hand.
" don't leave," I say squeezing her hand.
" I won't ok," she responds.

We start the ultrasound and I see a shocked expression on andys face.
" andy what's wrong," I ask panicked.
" nothing, is wrong madalyn, so your 6 months pregnant and  this your first ultrasound, when did you find out you were pregnant," the doctor says removing her gloves.
" about 3 days ago," I say looking at the floor.
"Ok so that is understandable as for 6 months you look about 2, but there is one thing you should know," thale doctor says," your not having 1 baby your having 2, congratulations, would you like to know the genders," she continues.
I shoot a glance at Andy who nods, plus I have something to ask Andy after this.
" yes please,"I respond.
" baby 1 is a boy, and baby 2 is a girl," the doctor says," if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask and come back if there are any problems," she continues before leaving the room.
" what the fu(k am I going to do, 1 baby sure mabey I could handle it but 2, no not a chance," I ramble.
" maddy you will be fine, I will be there with ok,"she asks I nod into the crook of her neck.


We get back to her apartment and we sit on the sofa in silence for around 3 hours by this point it is 9pm and we have said nothing to each other  I open my laptop, USA military sign up, I put everything i need to in and put when I will be able to start training ,"still what am I'm going to do," I finally say.
"You can keep them or give them up for adoption," Andy says holding my hand, I feel a jab I don't want to give them up for adoption but I have a plan and I won't be able to look after them.
"Andy, I have a plan for my life, originally I was going to go to the fire academy, but I can't since I'm not 18 and I can't wait that long to do something with my life, I don't want to give them up for adoption but they won't be able to come where I want to go," I say rubbing my temples.
" I am afraid to ask this but what's your plan mads," she asks pulling my hands away from my face.
" you can't stop me you know that because I have already been accepted," I say nervous to tell her.
"maddy what have you signed up for," she asks sounds panicked.
" I signed up for the US army, been accepted and I start training a month after these guys are born." I say looking away from her.

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