6: Sad Boi :(

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- Y/n's Pov -

I was at home. It had been a peacefull day so far. No one came here unanounced, which was nice for a change. I just finished making supper when I heard a knock on the door.

'Well, that was my peacefull day I guess.' I thought.

I went to open the door. It was raining outside. Luckily not boiling rain though. Would there be some people that wanted to take shelter?

I opened the door. It wasn't the person I expected though.

I saw Hunter. He stood there soaked from the rain. The bags under his eyes lookes more visable then normal and it looked like he had just come from a cry session.

'Hunter!' 'S- sorry. I know I'm showing up unanounced again. I just didn't know where else to go.' He said, his voice breaking.

I pulled him inside with me. I sat him down on the couch, gave him a blanket and made him some hot chocolate.

'Thank you...' he said, almost not hearable.

He took a sip of the hot chocolate. I rubbed his back, seeing he can start crying at any moment now.

'Hunter, do you wanna tell me what happend?'

He was quiet. I saw he was trying to come up with what to say.

'Something happend to me, and I feel like my whole life was a lie....'

I said nothing. I patiently waited for him to be ready to continue.

'Ehm, I... I discovered something about my uncle, I don't even know if I can call him that anymore.'

He was quiet again.

'I'm.... I'm a grimwalker....' after he said that he started to sob again.

A grimwalker? What is that?

He placed the hot chocolate on the ground and started to sob in his hands.

I moved closer to him and pulled him into my arms. He sobbed in my chest. My heart chatterd seeing him like this.

After he calmed down a bit, he explained everything.

'I'm a grimwalker. I'm not a normal person.' I asked what a grimwalker was. 'It's a sort of clone. All the Golden Guards before me have been grimwalkers.... and Belos, he killed them all. And he tried to do the same to me....' he broke down crying in my chest again.

He was almost killed.....

I hugged him again. I can't believe Belos tried to kill him after everything he's done for him!

'I don't know who I am anymore. It's like everything I knew until now has been a lie.' He sobbed.

I rubbed his back. 'Listen Hunter, I don't know what this must feel like. But I know who you are. You are your own person.'

'How, I'm just a grimwalker. How can I be my own person.'

'Look at it like this. If you have a video, and it gets copied over and over again, will the last copy look good?'

'No. It will look very pixelated.' 'Yes. It's kind of like that. If there have been thousands of grimwalkers, do you really think they'll all be the same?' 'No....'

'Exactly. Everyone develops their own personality over time. And you have too. One girmwalker may have been a bully, one could have been really shy, I don't think they were all the same. You're your own person Hunter. An amazing person, a person I really admire, in fact.'

'You.... admire me?' He asked, shocked.

'Yes actually. Because you never give up. You get pushed down time after time. I know people make you feel unworthy, but that never stops you from proving them wrong! You need to have a lot of courage to be able to do that. That's what I admire so much about you. You never give up. You believe in what you believe and if someone tries to put you down for it you prove them wrong. So, is that Hunter gonna give up after finding out he's a bit different from other people? Because the Hunter I know will not. Because he never stops fighting to prove he's right!'

He looked at me, like he was trying to decide something in his mind.

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