4: Comforting

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- Hunter's Pov -

I was on my way to Y/n's place. I've been going there a lot.

I don't know what it was about her. She was so kind and always seemed to be there if I needed her, without wanting anything in return.

She was so kind, always happy. It's like if you're in the darkest place, her smile can still bring sunshine. Like even if you're in your darkest moment, her smile can still make you smile.

Outside of what happend in the past, there doesn't seem to be something bad about her life right now.

I'm glad for her.

She didn't seem to mind when I come over unanounced. It's not like I really can anounce without just showing up. I don't have a scroll so I can't really text her.

So I just went there.

I knocked on the tree, knowing that's how you knock on a house like this, and waited for a few seconds.

Nobody seemed to be comping torwards the door. So I knocked again.

This time I heard her come to do the door.

When she opened it looked like she had just stopped crying.

'Oh, hi Hunter. Why are you here?'

Her voice broke every word. It was like she was about to cry again.

I didn't answer her question. Instead I took her by her shoulders and asked: 'Y/n, are you okay?'

She looked at me with watery eyes. Evebtually she smiled and reassured me nothing was wrong. But I know when a smile is fake.

She led me inside as if nothing was wrong. I saw a pillow was stained with tears.

I looked at her again and she still had a fake smile on her face.

'So, do you wanna do something.'

Before I knew it I pulled her unto a hug. 'Y/n, I know something is up. You can talk to me. I swear I won't judge.' I quietly said, making sure not to startle her.

She slowly wrapped her arms around me too and I heard she was holding back sobbs.

Soon she broke down crying in my arms. I felt her grip on my tigten as if she was scared I would dissapear. She sobbed into my chest and I held her close, not sure what to do in this moment´

I walked to the couch-bed with her and sat down, but kept her close, since that seemed to be comforting to her.

I gently rubbed her back as she sobbed in my arms.

She eventually found go strength to look at me. 'Do you wanna talk about it?' I asked.

She rested her head on my chest again.

'It's just....' she started.

Suddenly she started to pour her whole heart out. She told me everything without a pause.

'I have some friends that have some bad thoughts. One has depression and one also has some dark thoughts. They have so much drama in their life, mostly the one with depression. She's an amazing person but has been bullied so much and so many bad thoughts. It's going better with her. But everytime she has a problem, drama or anything bad happening in her life she comes to me for advice. People always called me very wise for my age, and they know I give good advice. So she always comes to me even though I have no idea what a good thing to do would be in the situations she's in. I try to give her good advice but I have no idea if it'll works. She trusts me and I don't wanna tell her anything that's not a good idea. And recently both of my friends got into a huge fights because one of them thinks the other is fiddling with her relationship with her boyfriend even though I don't even think she's doing that! We used to be a trio and now their mad at each other and I'm right in the middle of it! I'm so scared that if they come to me for advice they'll think I'm choosing sides because they're mad at each other! I would never choose sides with my best friends! I don't know what to do! I want them to be friends again but I also think I should ignore it because maybe me trying to help will only cause more drama! I don't know what to do! On one side I don't wanna talk to them anymore because I'm scared they're gonna be angry at me too because I say something they don't agree with in their fight, but I also want them to be friends again! I remember when one of them was new in class the other was so happy because she had a new friend. I'm so scared their friendship will end because of this! Last year the friend that thinks the other is fiddling with her relationship told me so much about all the drama she and her boyfriend got into and honestly I don't know if they're right for each other! I think she's blinded by love and sees things that aren't true! But if I tell her she will get mad at me because he can do no wrong in her eyes! I don't know what to do Hunter!'

Wow, apparently her life isn't as sunny as I thought.

I never had friends, as you know, so I don't know what this feels like, but it must feel awfull.

Being in the middle of a fight between 2 friends, that must feel awfull.

'Y/n, I.... I honestly have no idea what to say. I've never been in a situation like this before, but I see that this is causing you a lot of stress. Is there anything I can do to help?'

'My mom always used to say that if I'm sad, I need to distract myself. Maybe we can do something so I don't think about this?' She asked, still sobbing a little bit.

So that's what we did. We decided to watch one of her favorite movies. It was a human movie so I had never heard of it, but it was pretty good.

We cuddled up on the couch with blankets, pillows and we ate a lot of popcorn.

She stayed close to me the whole time, resting her head on my shoulder and eventually cuddling up in my chest.

I didn't mind though. I knew from her small mental breakdown this comforted her, so I just let her cuddle up to me.

But why did my face feel so hot when I did so....


Writer's note: so if it wasn't clear already, this was the chapter with me venting. When I started this book the fight between my friends didn't happen yet. But hey, I hadn't writen this chapter yet, so now I could vent about it too! Let's just say it wasn't a good day. It happend a few days ago (of the time of writing this chapter) so I let it go a bit more, but it was still nice to write my emotions out. Anyways, there won't be more venting in this book <33

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