5: The Confrontation

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- Y/n's Pov -

Why Eda, just why.

Just got a Text from eda that she's on a small island close from where she lives, with Luz and King and they've been captured by the Golden Guard.

Such a situation Eda would get into.

So there I was, on the island, behind a rock, looking at Luz and Eda tied up and the Golden Guard standing infront of them, trying to find a way to free them without the Golden Guard seeing me.

I saw there was a cave behind them. I also saw a rock big enough to hide behind closer to the cave. And I could slowly feel the plan forming in my head.

I checked my pockets and found a tiny stone in it. Shout out to Eda for teaching me to always have junk in my pockets. I quickly moved to the other rock and hid behind it.

No one saw me.

I took the stone and threw it in the cave, making an echo in the gave that sounded like someone running. I saw the Golden Guard look behind him to the cave and tell Eda, Luz and King to not try to escape. Then he walked the cave in.

I ran to where they were tied up and immediately started to untie the rope.

'Y/n! You're here!' Luz whisper-yelled. 'Of course I wasn't gonna let you 3 get petrified!' I answered.

I tried to untie the robe but it was very hard. It was more like tangled earphones then a knot in a rope.

'Come one! Why won't this work!' I said frustrated.

'Maybe because I enchanted the rope?' A voice said.

I looked behind me, and saw him. The Golden Guard had officially caught me.


'Thank you 3! Now I'm tied up too!' I complained. 'Isn't my fault your plan didn't work!' Luz said. 'Luz!' 'Sorry I'm panicking!'

'Look at the 4 of you. Thinking you can escape the rules by hiding. I never seen you before, but did you really think you could outsmart me?' The Golden Guard said.

'Wait a minute.' I thought.

That voice. Could it be- no way!

'Wait a minute, I recognize that voice everywhere! Hunter?!' I yelled at him.

'Wait a minute, Y/n?!' He yelled.

'Yes! I knew it! It is you!' I yelled.

'You know him?' Eda asked, shocked.

'Yes I do. I didn't know he was the fucking Golden Guard until now though! Why did you never tell me?!' I yelled.

I saw him struggle to come up with something to say. After a few seconds he untied me and dragged me away so Eda, Luz and King wouldn't hear us.

'What the fuck Hunter! Why did you never tell me you're the Golden Guard?!' I yelled.

'That's not important right now. Why did you try to help those criminals?!'

'Well I'm sorry Eda is the only parental figure I have, Luz is a really good friend and so is King! I can't let them get petrified!' I answered.

'We weren't gonna petrify them. Maybe the owl lady but that's because of that curse.'

'Oh really? Then what were you gonna do with them?!'

'.... they were probably gonna rot away in a cell until they joined a coven....' he said with a guilty tone in his voice.

'I'm just gonna choose to ignore that. You still haven't answered my first question. Why didn't you tell me that you're the Golden Guard?'

He didn't way anything.

I stepped closer and took his hands, which startled him a bit.

'Hunter, please....?'

'It's because I made some mistakes in the past okay! I once had to infiltrate at Hexide. I met some people there that actually seemed to care about me. But I was stupid and tried to force them into the Emperors Coven. I'm anything but proud of it. And I guess I was just scared that if you knew you wouldn't wanna be friends anymore.' He still had his mask on, but I could hear in his voice he was really sad.

'Listen, Hunter. People make mistakes, everyone does. And your past mistakes wouldn't have kept me from being your friend. You know why?'


'Because I can see you're a good person. You may have made mistakes in the past, but like I said, everyone does. That doesn't mean you can't learn from those mistakes, and not do them again. That you made mistakes one time doesn't mean you will do it again. You're an amazing person Hunter, and I'm proud of you for staying strong.'

I took off his mask to see him with a expression I couldn't discripe. He looked shocked but relieved at the same him.

He quickly whiped a tear away and said: 'thank you. I really needed to hear that.' He smiled. 'No problem.'

He sighed. 'Listen. I will let you 4 go, but only this one time. So don't let me caught you again, okay?' He chuckled.

I hugged him. 'Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me.' I said and handed him his mask back.

He put it on and we walked back to where Luz, Eda and King were tied up.

He untied them while they looked very confused.

'Get out of here.' He said as he walked away.

They stood up. 'What did you say to him?' Eda asked. 'Something he needed to hear.'


Writer's note: I know Luz and the gang already knew who the Golden Guard was after he infiltrated the flyerdirby team, but let's just pretend they don't, okay?

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