2: That Morning

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Tw: Mention of abusive family

- Hunter's Pov -

I slowely opened my eyes, blinking the sleep I just woke up from away.

When I was awake enough I realized there was light around.

'She probably forgot to turn off the light?' I thought.

I layed there for a few more minutes with my eyes closed.

Weird, normaly when I wake up in the middle of the night I'm fully awake again.

Then it hit me. The light around me wasn't any light, it was daylight.

It was morning already! How did I not wake up!

I looked around trying to find a clock on the walls or something.

I saw one and looked at the time.

09:30 am.

I looked around some more to see if Y/n was home. Then I saw her sleeping on that couch-bed thingy.

I got out of the hammock and walked up to her. I kneeled down so I could see her face. She was still sleeping.

I took in all the details of her face. Her Y/hc hair, her Y/lc lips, how her mouth is slightly open and how her body moves up and down as she breaths.

I only now realized she was a very beautiful person.

I saw her eyes slowly open. She blinked a few times and then looked up at me.

'Oh, you're still here.' She said, her voice still sleepy.

'Oh- yeah sorry. I must've slept in. Sorry, I'll go now.'

I stood up and started walking to the staircase leading to the door. 'It's fine if you wanna stay some more time. You can stay for breakfast.' She sat, sitting up.

I thought for a bit. I wanted to stay. This place felt more of a home in 1 night then the castle has my whole life. But Belos would kill me if he found out. But he'll probably already kill me because I wasn't in the castle tonight. What is another hour?

'Okay, if it's not a problem.' 'Totaly not!' She walked to the kitchen counter. 'I like having company. It gets pretty lonely here. I have friends over pretty often and also babysit often. But some days are just very lonely.' 'You live on your own here?'

She sighed. I saw this was a sensitive topic. I wanted to tell her she didn't need to tell me if she didn't want too, but she was already explaining.

'Yes, I live alone. My parents died in a car crash when I was 13. I got placed into CPS care and eventually they wanted to place me with my aunt. But I knew who my aunt was.'

She put some Milk in a mug and went to sit down on the couch-bed. I sat down beside her as she continued.

'My aunt never liked kids. Infront of my parents she acted okay, but when she babysat me, she'd never pay any attention to me. If I would talk to her she'd immediately yell at me to leave her alone. I'd usually go home hungry or if I'd have to stay over, I'd have to go to bed hungry. She didn't like me at all and I knew life would be hell there. So when I heard they wanted to place me with her, because she was my godmother, I ran. I ran deep into the forest. I was scared but didn't go back. Eventually I found this abandoned hut, and when I went inside it, there was a door. The door was open and it looked like a galaxy or something. I went through it and came out in the boiling isles. You see, I haven't told you this, but you probably already guessed because of my ears. But I'm a human, from the human realm. I eventually stumbled upon this hut and kinda clamed it. It looked very abandoned so I guessed no one lived here. I was right. I've lived here for 3 years and no one came to claim this place. I'm sorry, I'm ranting. Anyway, I'll get some cereal so we can eat.'

She stood up and walked back to the kitchen counter. I stood up but didn't move. 'I didn't know you went through all of that.' I told her. 'It's fine. I don't like talking about it. Let's just eat, okay?' She asked. I just nodded.

She was always so happy since I met her. I guess you can't make assumptions about people.

We sat down at the table and ate some cereal. It was fun to see her talk about the things she loves. She told me the plot of these books she reads. I didn't understand much of it but it was so cute- I mean cool how she was so happy talking about it!

Not cute. Deffenetly not cute.

Anyways, I talked about some things I like to her too. It was nice having someone listen to my talks about wild magic. No one ever listened to me, so I stopped trying.

I saw Y/n didn't fully understand how magic worked. It's understandable when you know she's a human.

Wow, I met a human!

I imagined humans very differently from how they actually looked. I imagined more scales.

It was so nice to talk to her. She was such a nice and bright person. Like she's the embodiment of the sun themself.

Why did I feel so safe around her?


Writer's note: I just wanna say I never went through Y/n's backstory in the fic. I know I said this fic is partly for me to vent but I still wanna make it entertaining so I made up a backstory. I don't really have contact with my aunts but they never did anything bad to me

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