Norie stared at her and laughed awkwardly while saying "I mean, clearly this is his first time trying sports so I think that should answer your question."

"My husband trained Henry last month up until now so he can be ready for the championship in 4 weeks"

"Levi have you helped Eren with his soccer?" Becky asks as she looked towards him.

"Leave me alone" Levi only said and continued to watch Eren practice his kicks

"Feisty husband you have there" Becky laughed as Norie still awkwardly nodded with a smile.

"Maybe Eren can learn a thing or two while he's here, don't want him messing up my son's future." She laughed slightly as Norie and Levis eye twitch in annoyance.

"Oh! And did you know Henry might-Thats nice Becky"Norie cut her off with a tight smile and spoke through her teeth.

"I mean, Henry-Thats awesome Becky" she cut her off again with the tight smile and clenched teeth.

Norie tried her best not to launch herself towards Becky but knew that she might end up causing a scene, well she's going to have to try.

This woman is clearly implying that Henry is much more "advanced" then the others, and something about her bringing up Eren...just made Norie think that Becky is trying to paint the other toddlers and even her son "weak"

And she was not liking that one bit.

Obviously, Levi was sharing the exact same thoughts as her.

"Breath Dada, relax, don't punch Dada" Mikasa whispered to Levi who broke a stick in half.

"Are you both okay? Your faces are red" Becky questions towards the couple.

"It's just the heat" Norie squeaked out in anger as she and Levi crouched down.

"1 2 3 4" Mikasa whispered to her parents to calm them down and patted their heads.

"Sweetie, are your parents okay-Don't talk to me" Mikasa cut Becky off.

The woman froze at the little toddlers attitude and the coach blew the whistle again and the toddlers in the field got into their positions.

"Woah!" Eren yelled and tripped on the ball a boy took from him, he landed face down making the couple gasp.

"Well...I guess your son needs some practicing" Becky mumbled.

Norie screamed angrily through Levi's hand that was on her mouth while he held her back from drop kicking the woman.

"Okay! First team to score wins the tray of cookies!" The coach called out.

He blew the whistle again and the toddlers ran towards the ball, Becky cheered out and yelled "you got this Henry! You know your level-"

"EREN! LISTEN TO MAMA! YOU GOT THIS BABY! DON'T LET ANYONE GET IN FRONT OF YOU! GO BABY GO!" Norie cut Becky off with her screams of determination.


"Henry! Push through! You're a champion, this is nothing-"

"BEAT HIS ASS EREN!" Levi cut Becky off with his own stern scream.

"Excuse me?" Becky said in shock.

"tatakae! Eren!" Mikasa called out.

"Oi! I'm here!" Hange spoke as she held a picnic basket Erwin sent them since he couldn't make it.

"Great! Cheer Eren on! Your screams are like speakers in full blast!" Norie quickly rambled and grabbed her towards the front.

"Whats going on?" Hange asked.

past and future (Modern AU :Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now