|| Prolouge Pt. 5 ||

Start from the beginning

A pouch that contains jewels that many used as pieces of jewellery and much more.

Whereas the other is to inscribe letters on the jewels with much care.

(Y/n) took her time inscribing the jewels with different effects while making several experimental jewels. Being curious about what happens if one inscribes more than one lettering.

Once she was done, she sets them aside. Taking out a parchment and drew a magic circle with Solomon's star in the middle.

A smile creep up on her lips, " I can finally release the mana after so long..." (Y/n) murmured under her breath as she placed the inscribed jewel one at a time. Taking a deep breath and mumbled an unknown language as blue flairs and sparks started to emit on the palm of her hand.

Injecting her mana inside the jewel before proceeding to the next one to the other. It was time-consuming but, once in a while, the results were worthwhile.

Soon, the infused jewels were scattered on the table as it glistens under the rays of sunlight. Whereas (Y/n) was laying dead flat on her bed. Tired from the infusing procedure.

Until, she heard the door to her bedroom knocking, "(Y/n)? May I speak with you for a moment? " Crepus voiced out, causing the Maiden to raise her brow. She got up from her bed and went to the door, opening the door for him.

" Sure. "

That was all she answered. Allowing the gentleman to enter her room while she searched for Leysritt to prepare some tea and snacks. Crepus, on the other hand, held a surprised expression after seeing the condition of (Y/n)'s bedroom. It made him wonder when was the last time he visited her room and had a decent talk with the said Maiden.

The room wasn't fancy as it was decorated in a simple yet, comfortable to sleep in. Walls painted with a strange tree mural. This made Crepus raise his brow as he walks towards the mural, " Did she paint this? " He muttered under his breath, tracing his fingers against the mural. Even though, he has no knowledge of art but, he could it was fine art and realistic.

A bit too realistic to say at least.

Feeling as if something it was calling to him. However, he shrugs it off and pulls his hand away from the mural as these few days have been strange recently.

Crepus heaves out a sigh. Shifting his gaze away from the mural as his eyes landed on the stacks of books being placed in one corner. Written papers and crumbled papers were left scattered. It made him curious. He walked towards the pile and picked it up as he unfolded the crumbled paper, and tried to read the contents.

Emphasised "tried"

Crepus was unable to decipher what it was written. The letters were unfamiliar as it does not originate either from Liyue, Inazuma nor any nations. His lips pulled into a thin line before he crumbled up the paper and placed it where it was as if he hadn't seen nor read it.

Until, he heard the door creak open, causing him to turn around. " Sorry for the wait, Mr Crepus. " (Y/n) said with an apologetic tone as Crepus shook his head, " All is fine. But, what happens if you don't mind telling me about it? " Walking towards the Maiden and helped her carry the tray, placing it on another table.

" There was a small problem in the kitchen but, it was easily taken care of. "

" A small problem? "

(Y/n) nods before letting a short laugh, pouring the teacups with tea. " It was a funny one. " She hands it to Crepus as he thanks her, " Let's just say a baby boar somehow got inside and was startled by loud noises. "

Both Crepus and (Y/n) laugh together as they started to converse with one another. That was when the Maiden's friendly demeanour suddenly shifts, " I do enjoy the quality time we're having but..." She trails off, staring down at her tea, seeing herself being reflected.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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