"I'm going to confront my father."

Yamato seems enraged upon hearing this.

"Hold on Young master."

Drake stops him from walking away.

"Kaido-sama is having a meeting with Big Mom and Orochi. He ordered us to summon Y/n as soon as possible."

You exchange glances with Yamato.

"Stay here."


You pinch him and he immediately goes silent, Then you turn to Drake.

"Please lead the way."

Yui grabs your shoulder and leans in.

"Think twice before you say anything."

You nod and follow Drake from behind.
You two walked through countless of halls, noticing that those eye papers (which technically work as cameras) have become more frequent on the walls, you decided to not strike up a conversation with Drake.
But he had other plans.

As soon as you two take a turn, you notice that paper eyes are no longer on the walls, that's when Drake turns to you.

"Are you sure I should hand your heart to him?"

He doesn't know that it's not your real heart.

"Yes, do it. "

"Won't it cause you problems?"

"You'll see."

You answer him shortly, he returns a confused look.

"How's Hawkins?"

Not that you care about that Bastard, he could rot in hell for all you care.

"Critical condition I'd say."

You smirk to yourself, knowing that he's out of your way now.

Both of you stop talking once you reach the meeting room. The guards immediately greet Drake and turn to you, eyeing your scythe.

You immediately take the scythe off and lean it against the wall. They were about to cuff your wrists when Drake stops him and tells them, that it won't be necessary.
With that, you two enter the meeting room only to be met with absolute chaos.

Big Mom and Kaido are feasting like there's no tomorrow and then there's Orochi, grumpily sitting on the other side, observing the two Emperors Infront of him.

The guards announce your and Drake's arrival, Kaido turns his attention towards you with an unpleasant grin on his face.

"Seems like you're back, huh? Had fun?"

You don't know what he meant by "fun", thankfully Drake pulls out "your heart" on time, catching Kaido's attention.

"What's that?'

Kaido asks curiously, Big mom also turns her attention towards you.

"This is Donquixote Y/n's heart."

Kaido gives him permission to come closer, Drake goes up to him and hands him over the heart.

"How interesting.."

Kaido observes the heart carefully and notices the fake beed attached to it.
Seems like Law took an extra precaution and attached a fake white beed to this heart, to not cause any suspicion.

"Isn't this the brat you've been talking about?"

Big mom turns to Kaido, meanwhile Kaido keeps staring at your heart. A drop of sweat appears on your forehead.

"Yes. My former Subordinate's - Aurora's child."

Big mom raises her eyebrows and turns to you, closely observing you up and down.

"I see..."

She smiles.

"What is that heart for? To control them?"

Kaido glances at you.

"Depends on how they'll behave."

You glance at the Shogun - Orochi, who seems to be shooting daggers at you. Unfortunately, you happened to be standing quite close to him.

"Orochi told me, Yamato announced that you two are engaged."

You nod in response.

"It seems like you've managed to convince him to make you his fiancé, but that isn't all."

Big mom listens to him curiously.

"You either worked magic and somehow turned him into a more responsible son, or you two are scheming something behind my back."

You gulp but try not to reveal your nervousness.
These two emperors have a great sense of Observation Haki, they'll immediately notice if something is wrong.

"Therefore, I want you two to marry eachother, durning the fire festival."

You look up at him, face to face. Not even a single thought runs in your mind while looking at him.

"All I need is your agreement."

You ask yourself. Why would he even ask for your agreement? It's not like you have a choice.

But you still wonder what would happen..if you refused.

Suddenly, Orochi's subordinate comes running towards Orochi and whispers something to him. The shogun turns red out of anger and was about to yell at his subordinate when Kaido turns to them and asks about the situation.

"We've located the child and are currently tracking him down to capture him."

A sudden realization hits you.

Subordinate was dismissed on the spot.

Since they haven't mentioned that child's name, they're probably assuming you don't know who it is.
You know exactly who they're trying to capture now.

If you agree to marry Yamato, you'll probably have higher chance to save that child, or you could even warn the others beforehand.

"Give me an answer by tomorrow night, you're dismissed."
Says Kaido, you nod and exit the meeting room quickly. They were too busy with their booze to even care about your presence.
This will make it much easier to get rid of them.

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