Phrasal Verbs

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Fiillere "out" eklenerek oluşturulan deyimsel fiiller

Look - bakmak
Look out - dikkat etmek; araştırıp öğrenmek
Look out! The car is coming!

Stay - kalmak
Stay out - dışarıda kalmak
Jake stayed out late at night.

Point - göstermek
Point out - dikkat çekmek
He was quick to point our mistake out.

Work - çalışmak
Work out - antreman yapmak; çözmek (problemi/sorunu)
I work out regularly to stay in shape.
I worked out the answer.

Wear - giymek
Wear out - yıpratmak, kullanarak eskitmek; bitkin düşmek, tükenmek
I'm worn out today. I'm so tired.
He wore out his shoes.

Rule - hükmetmek, yönetmek
Rule out - hariç bırakmak, çizgi çizerek iptal etmek
Rule out the wrong meanings from your dictionary.

Stand - ayakta durmak
Stand out - dikkat çekmek, göze çarpmak
Her bright clothes always make her stand out in a crowd.

Find - bulmak
Find out - öğrenmek, çözmek
Try to find out what happened.
I need to find out when the next bus leaves.

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