Phrasal Verbs "Get"

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Phrasal Verbs
•get in - (arabaya) binmek;içeri girmek;bir yere varmak, ulaşmak
You can't just enter the building, you need a key card to get in.
Our flight gets in at 11PM.
•get on - binmek (otobüs/tren/uçağa);giyinmek;geçinmek (birbiriyle), anlaşmak
He got on his motorcycle and rode away.
Let's make sure we get onto the right train.
•get on with - devam etmek, işinin başına dönmek
I told my kids to stop playing video games and get on with their chores.
•get off - (araba/otobüs/tren/uçaktan) inmek;yola koyulmak;cezadan kurtarmak, paçayı kurtarmak
We got off the bus at the last stop.
-What time do you get off work?
-I usually get off around 5:30.
•get out - inmek;ayrılmak, gitmek;defol!çık dışarı!
The weather was so bad, we couldn't get out of the house.
Can you get the bags out of the car?
•get out of - sorumluluktan kaçmak, sıyrılmak, kurtulmak
My son pretended he was sick in order to get out of going to school.(Oğlum okula gitmek için hastaymış gibi davrandı.)
•get up - ayağa kalkmak;yataktan kalkmak;giyinip kuşanmak
I always get up at 7:30.
•get by - idare etmek (geçim), geçinmek, geçimini kıt kanaat sağlamak
We're having a hard time getting by ever since my husband lost his job.
•get down - inmek; moralini bozmak
She needed help to get down from the horse.
Cold, dark winters always get me down.
•get into - -e girmek, (belirli bir yere) seçilmek;yakından ilgilenmek
His grades were excellent and he got into a top university.
My parents have been getting into gardening recently.
•get along (with someone) - birbiriyle geçinmek, anlaşabilmek
I can't get along with the neighbors any more.
I get along really well with both of my roommates.
•get through (to someone) - 1.telefon bağlantısı sağlamak 2.zor bir durumu atlatmak, üstesinden gelmek, geçmek(sınav vb)
2.The phrasal verb get through is used for proceeding with or finishing something difficult (get through zor bir şeyi tamamlamak veya bitirmek için kullanılır)
I couldn't get through the lesson; it was too hard.
Look, I can't get through to this number.
After the hurricane, we couldn't get through to my parents for 48 hours.
•get around - oradan oraya seyahat etmek
I will get around from town to town.
We had to use public transport to get around.
•get ahead - ilerleme kaydetmek, başarılı olmak
I will get ahead at work with this project.
How can I get ahead and learn the math very quickly?
•get over - 1.atlatmak, unutmak (bir üzüntüyü), yeniden kendini toparlamak, sağlığına kavuşmak;2.inanmak (şaşırtıcı bir olaya)
I just got over a bad cold.
It took her a long time to get over her dog's death.
2.I can't get over how much she's changed since the last time I saw her!
•get to - varmak, ulaşmak;sinirini bozmak
Call me when you get to Chicago.
At the circus, my kids got to eat as many snacks as they wanted.
It was just a minor mistake - don't let it get to you.
•get behind - 1.geride kalmak, gecikmek;2.desteklemek, arkasında olmak
1.We're supposed to read a chapter a day, but I've been sick so I got behind.
2.The whole neighborhood got behind the proposal to build a new library.
•get back - geri dönmek, geri almak
The traffic was so bad, it took me an hour to get back home after work.
Don't lend him any books; you'll never get them back.
•get back at somebody - birisinden intikam almak, öç almak
After Carly stole Sarah's boyfriend, Sarah got back at her by spreading nasty rumors about her.
•get across - 1.karşıdan karşıya geçmek 2.anlatmak, anlaşılmasını sağlamak, açıklık kazandırmak
It's hard to get across the road when there's lots of traffic.
The preacher used a powerful story to get his message across.
•get away - 1. (birinden veya bir şeyden) kaçmak 2. (bir yere) tatile gitmek
1.The dog got away from me at the park.
2.We're hoping to get away to the mountains this weekend.
•get away with - bedelini ödememek, yapılan iş yanına kar kalmak
My mother never found out I stole money from her purse, so I got away with it.
•get between - (bir kişi veya şeyle başka bir kişi veya şey/iki kişi veya şey) arasına girmek/sızmak, (bir kişi veya şeyi başka bir kişi veya şeyden/iki kişi veya şeyi birbirinden) ayırmak/uzaklaştırmak
•get on board - aynı fikirde olmak
•get in with - arkadaşlığını kazanmak

•get between - (bir kişi veya şeyle başka bir kişi veya şey/iki kişi veya şey) arasına girmek/sızmak, (bir kişi veya şeyi başka bir kişi veya şeyden/iki kişi veya şeyi birbirinden) ayırmak/uzaklaştırmak•get on board - aynı fikirde olmak•get in wit...

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