İngilizce Deyimler

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Common idioms
1) A blessing in disguise - beklenmedik şekilde olumlu sonuçlanan talihsizlik
Losing that job was a blessing in disguise.
2) A picture is worth a thousand words - bir resim binlerce kelimeye değer
Its easier to learn how a machine works from pictures rather than descriptions, since a picture is worth a thousand words.
3) A piece of cake - çok kolay bir şey
They said the test would be difficult, but it was a piece of cake - I'll pass with no problem at all.
4) Action speak louder than words - lafla peynir gemisi yürümez
You always speak of the importance of charity, but never do anything. Actions speak louder than words!
5) Add insult to injury - kaş yapayım derken göz çıkarmak
I was already getting late for work stuck in the traffic, and to add insult to injury, I was stopped by the police for speeding.
6) As cheap as chips - çok ucuz, sudan ucuz
It was cheap as chips but looks expensive.
7) Barking up the wrong tree - yanılgıya düşmek, olmayacak bir işe kalkışmak, boş yere uğraşmak
If you think you will solve the problem by following those steps, you are barking up the wrong tree.
8) Beat around the bush - dolaylı konuşmak, sözü uzatmak
Quit beating around the bush and tell me what you really want.
9) Better late than never - hiç olmamaktansa varsın geç olsun
I was thinking that you will not come to my help anymore - anyways, better late than never.
10) Bite off more than you can chew - çiğneyebileceğinden büyük bir lokma almak, boyundan büyük işe kalkışmak
By accepting two part-time jobs, he is clearly biting off more than he can chew.
11) Bite the bullet - çok zor bir karar almak, (zorluğa, sorunlara) katlanmak
Mary has to learn to bite the bullet and face her fears of flying.
12) Break a leg - iyi şanslar
You have an exam tomorrow? Break a leg!
13) Break the ice - aradaki buzları eritmek, havayı yumuşatmak
It's not always easy to break the ice at a formal meeting.
14) To call it a day - bugünlük bu kadar çalışma yeter
I think we have done enough work today, I am feeling tired now, let's call it a day.
15) Cost an arm and a leg - çok pahalıya mal olmak
This dress is lovely, but it cost me an arm and a leg.
16) Cut corners - bir işte kestirme yollara başvurmak, ucuza halletmek, masraftan kaçmak, işin ucuzuna ve kolayına kaçmak
My mom often had to cut corners when we were kids in order to feed all of us.
17) Cut somebody some slack - müsamaha etmek
Because it was the last day of clas, the teacher cut the students some slack.
18) Don't give up your day job - düzenli işini bırakma
If you wish to establish your own business, don't quit your day job until you're successful.
19) Put all your eggs in one basket - tek bir şeye bel bağlamak
I'm applying for several jobs because I don't want to put all of my eggs in one basket.
20) Easy does it - acele etme, dikkatli ol
Easy does it! Don't spill that point!
21) Every cloud has a silver lining - her şeyde bir hayır vardır
Even though he had lost the match, he had gained in experience and was now more confident. Every cloud has a silver lining.
22) To get a taste of your own medicine - başkalarına karşı gösterdiğin kötü muamelenin aynısı, yaptığın şeyin aynısını yaşama
Don't be rude to others. You won't like it when you get a taste of your own medicine.
23) To get out of hand - kontrolden çıkmak, idare edilememek
Soon, the situation went out of hand.
24) To get something out of your system - çok arzuladığı bir şeyi arzulamaz olmak, bir şeyden hevesini almak
I went and bought that dress I was thinking about all day - I had to get it out of my system!
25) To get your act together - işleri daha etkili çözebilmek için faaliyetlerini daha iyi düzenlemek
My desk is a complete mess. I need to get my act together.

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