Yaygın İngilizce Deyimler

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Common English idioms
•pull yourself together - topla kendini, kendine çeki düzen ver
In spite of all her misfortunes, she has pulled herself together and done well for herself.
•actions speak louder than words - lafa değil icraata bak
Its no use sitting and speaking of success, you have to act on it. Remember actions speak louder than words.
• hit the nail on the head - üstüne basmak, tam bilmek, hedefi on ikiden vurmak
Lady Gaga's costume for the Met Gala really hit the nail on the head for this year's theme.
Nadia Comaneci's Olympic routine hit the nail on the head and she scored the first perfect 10 at the 1976 games.
•be over the moon - çok mutlu olmak, sevinçten uçmak
My friend got tickets to Beyoncé's concert and I was over the moon when she invited me to go with her.
•kill two birds with one stone - bir taşla iki kuş vurmak;iki işi birden götürmek
Cycling to work kills two birds with one stone. It saves money and gives you some exercise.
•to find your feet - ayak uydurmak, uyum sağlamak
Have you found your feet at your new job yet?
•spill the beans - baklayı ağzından çıkarmak
If I spill the beans will you promise not to tell anyone else?
•to go with the flow - akışına bırakmak
My grandmother always advised me to go with the flow and to stay safe.
•speak one's mind - ne düşündüğünü açıkca söylemek
People don't like Lisa very much because she is always speaking her mind, even if people aren't asking for it.
•be in two minds - iki seçenek arasında gidip gelmek
I was in two minds about leaving Istanbul: my friends were there, but the job abroad was a good one.
•have a lot on one's plate - çok fazla işi olmak, işi başından aşkın olmak
Lisa has a lot on her plate and that is why she is always busy.
•to get/to have cold feet - çekinmek, korkmak
The burglar has got cold feet, when the dog started barking.
•cry over spilled milk - geçmişte yapılan hataları unutamamak, geçmişteki talihsizliklerin üzerinde durmak
Mona was unable to accept the reality of her divorce. She was crying over spilled milk.
•to lose one's mind - aklını kaçırmak, kafayı yemek
•to let off steam /to blow off steam - stress atmak, içini döküp rahatlamak
I usually go for a long walk to blow off steam.
•to pay an arm and a leg for something/to cost an arm and a leg - bir servete mal olmak, çok pahalı olmak
I paid an arm and a leg for my mom's present, but it was worth it.
•clear as mud - anlaşılmaz
The computer manual was as clear as mud, so we stopped reading it.
•take a rain check on something - iptal edilmiş bir maç veya konser vb'nin daha ileri bir tarihteki tekrarı için verilen bileti almak
I'll have to take a rain check on going to the movies this evening, I already have other plans.
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