Sıkça rastlanan ingilizce ifadeler

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Common English idioms
1)Actions speak louder than words - lafa değil icraata bak
Its no use sitting and speaking of success, you have to act on it. Remember actions speak louder than words.
2)Cut corners - işin ucuzuna ve kolayına kaçmak, zamandan kazanmak için sallapati iş yapmak, bir işte kestirme yollara başvurmak
When the boss found out that the accounting department was cutting corners they fired them all.
3)A drop in the ocean - okyanusta bir damla;devede kulak
A drop in the bucket - çok düşük ve önemsiz miktar;devede kulak
I always try to give money to the charity, but sometimes I feel it is just a drop in the ocean.
Microsoft is a big company, so $30 million isn't that big of a drop in the bucket.
4)Beat around the bush - sözü döndürüp dolaştırmak, asıl konuya gelmemek
Don't beat around the bush and tell me frankly what you think of my proposition.
5)Drive someone up the wall - sinir etmek, çileden çıkarmak
The loud music played by my neighbours is driving me up the wall.
6)Make a long story short - uzun lafın kısası
To cut a long story short, it was a horrific experience but we managed to get through it in one piece.
7)Sit on the fence - tarafsız kalmak, taraf tutmamak
You can't sit on the fence any longer, you need to make up your mind.
8)When pigs fly - asla
I asked my boss if I could go on a two month vacation, he said yes, when pigs fly!
9)Bite the bullet - dişini sıkmak, acıya göğüs germek, (zorluğa vb) katlanmak
Mary has to learn to bite the bullet and face her fears of flying.
10)Go down in flames - başarısızlığa uğramak, kötü/olumsuz sonuçlanmak
After two years of successful performances, the band went down in flames over disagreements between the members.
11)Can't /don't judge a book by its cover - görünüşe aldanmayın
At first we did not want to go into the restaurant as it looked small and cramped; but the food was delicious - we realized that you can't judge a book by its cover.
12)I couldn't care less - umurumda değil
I have heard that my ex is going through another break-up, but I couldn't care less.
13)Hit the books - (derse/sınava) çok çalışmak
I have an exam tomorrow, I need to hit the books tonight.
14)Miss the boat - fırsatı kaçırmak, fırsatı tepmek
If you don't pay attention in class, you'll miss the boat and do badly in your exams.

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