İngilizce Deyimler

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English idioms
1)white elephant -vaktiyle işe yarayan fakat şimdi dert olan bir şey; artık sahibinin işine yaramayan bir şey. Means a thing that's no longer needed but it costs a lot of money (artık ihtiyaç duyulmayan ancak çok maliyetli olan bir şey anlamına gelir)
When he bought the mansion he didn't know it was going to be such a white elephant.
2)white lie - beyaz yalan
Telling your friend that you like their new haircut, when you really don't, is an example of a white lie.
3)white-collar - ofiste çalışan (collar - yaka demektir)
White-collar jobs typically are higher paid, higher-skilled jobs that require more education and training than low-skilled or manual work.
4)out of the blue - beklenmedik bir anda, ummadık anda, birden bire
It looked like it was going to be sunny all day, yet the moment I stepped outside it started raining out of the blue.
5)once in a blue moon - kırık yılda bir, kırk yılın başı, ayda yılda bir, çok ender
I don't know why she bought that music system - she uses it once in a blue moon.
6)have the blues - hüzünlü olmak, kederli olmak
It seems that you are feeling blue. Is there something wrong that you would like to share with me?
7)blue blood - asil kan;asil, soylu
A blue blood probably could never understand the pain of being homeless.
8)to paint the town red - felekten bir gün çalmak, alemlere akmak
We are getting all dressed up next week and we are going to paint the town red.
9)red tape - resmi formaliteler, bürokratik işlemler
You have to go through endless red tape to get a residence permit.
10)roll out the red carpets - önüne kırmızı halı sermek, baş tacı etmek
I am rolling out the red carpet for my friend when he comes to hang out with me.
Roll out red carpet for someone - özel ilgi göstermek
11)red herring - dikkati başka yöne çekmek için öne sürülen konu
The plot of the mystery was full of red herrings.
12)catch somebody red-handed - birini suçüstü yakalamak
In fact, the burglar wasn't inside the flat, but on the roof, and was caught red-handed by the police.
13)born with a silver spoon in one's mouth - ağzında gümüş kaşıkla doğmak; varlıklı bir ailede doğmuş, şanslı doğmuş
He has never worked hard for anything because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His parents brought everything to him instead.
14)golden opportunity - bulunmaz fırsat
We were really kicking ourselves afterwards at having missed such a golden opportunity.
15)golden parachute - çalışanın işten çıkarılması durumunda ödenmesi garanti edilen tazminat
Golden parachutes entitle them to a full year's salary if they get booted out of the company.
16)green with envy - kıskançlıktan çatlamak;kıskançlıktan morarmak
I was green with envy when I came to know that my enemy got into a relationship with my recent crush.
17)green light - izin;yeşil ışık
Mother gave us the green light to go on the camping trip.
18)black sheep - kara koyun;yüz karası
My cousin is seen as the black sheep in our family. She left school to run off with her boyfriend.

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