47. betrayal.

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(y/n)'s pov

"Yeah, I was going to say the same thing." I dropped my bag down, allowing the loud thump to echo across the open space.

"I'm sorry, but they need to send me off on another mission. I don't know how long I'll be gone.." He trailed off, but my anger was overpowering the ache I felt about him leaving again so soon.

"I had a nice chat with the Chancellor today." I poured myself a very tall glass of red wine, seeing him give me a weird look through my peripheral vision.

"Okay?.. Did you not hear what I just said?"

"He told me the weirdest thing." I took a big gulp of my drink, feeling it slide down my throat. It warmed my stomach a little, since my dumbass forgot to eat anything today.

"(y/n), why are you drinking? And why are you ignoring what I said?" He stepped closer to me, and I held up my hand to stop him from walking any closer.

"When are you going to start being honest with me?" I questioned, noticing the way his brows furrowed.

"What are you talking about?" He looked almost annoyed now, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"Oh cut the shit Anakin," I said bitterly. "I know you told the Chancellor."

"Told the Chancellor what? I tell him a lot of things." He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the back of the sofa.

You smug prick.

"You told him about us." I say as I gesture between the two of us.

His eyes snapped up to mine, but still, he kept up his facade. And if I didn't already know the truth, I may have believed what he said next.

"I never told him about us, I made you a promise that I wouldn't, why would I break that promise?"

"You have got to be kidding me Anakin." I let out a dry chuckle, "Again, when will you start being honest!" I was growing increasingly frustrated with him.

"I have been honest with you, (y/n). I'm not lying to you." His voice raised as my own did.

"Stop it Anakin, I know you told him because he threatened to expose us to the Council if I didn't keep my mouth shut!" He stood up straight now, how he usual does when he feels protective or threatened.

"Mouth shut about what? Why was he threatening you?"

"Because I caught him making a shady deal with someone. And now I have to make a decision on whether or not I protect you or possibly thousands of other lives." I finished off my drink, slamming the glass down on the table.

He scoffed, "Don't be so-"

"Don't be so what, Anakin? Dramatic? I'm not being dramatic, you weren't there. You have no idea what's going on."

"He isn't a bad guy, (y/n). You're just trying to make him out to be one." His voice raised, and he started using his hands to gesture when he spoke.

So fucking annoying.

"You're so naïve Anakin. You are so blinded by your loyalty to him that you can't see what's right in front of you! He is a bad man!" I shouted, and I could see his jaw clench in anger, as well as his cheeks flush a little bit.

"He isn't! He's the only person who has supported me the entire time I've been here! Why would he do that if he wasn't at least a decent human being?"

"Do you really want me to tell you that?" My voice was normal, my arms crossed over my chest as I looked into his eyes.

afterglow {Anakin x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now