37. you hurt her.

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Before you read, you should know that the story arch of Bane from season 2 of the Clone Wars show is heavily influencing this chapter. I know i'm time line order that's already happened, but this book doesn't exactly follow the order properly so let's imagine it's happening now instead lmao.

Anakin's pov

I hated just standing here, waiting for her to come out. I know she told me to wait for her, but I was fighting the urge to go in there and pull her out. I didn't want her in there alone, I thought she'd want me in there with her. But I also knew they wouldn't talk if I was there. But still, I hated this. I leaned against the wall, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Relax Anakin. She knows what she's doing." Obi-Wan spoke into the stale air.

My eyes snapped to his, "What if something happens to her? I have an awful feeling about this Master."

"Well, you were the one who allowed her to go in alone Anakin. Now you must trust your decision." He gave me a knowing look, making me roll my eyes.

"That was before. Now I can sense everything she's feeling, and I no longer feel confident in my decision." I pushed off the wall, crossing my arms over my chest as I took a few steps closer to him.

Everything she felt, I could feel. I can feel the hurt, the betrayal, the sadness, the anger and the hatred. The hatred especially. It was an overwhelming feeling, and it made me anxious to have her in there.

"She will be fine, Anakin. She's an intelligent girl. She'll leave before anything escalates." He sounded so sure, and it almost calmed me.

Key word; almost.

My breathing stopped at the pain I sensed, pain coming from her. Seconds later, the sounds of the door being pounded on followed by yells filled the empty hall. The guard opened the door, and (y/n) stormed out and aggressively pushed into Obi-Wan, "There's your fucking proof." She spat out, pushing passed him.

That's when I finally got a good look at her. My eyes widened as when I saw the blood falling from her nose. I held her shoulders, stopping her from moving. "What happened?" Anger filled my chest, "Who did this to you? Did he do this to you?" I felt like at any second I was about to snap.

"Just let go of me!" She yelled, pushing me away and running down the halls. I was about to run after her but Obi-Wan stopped me.

"Just wait a second, Anakin. You can't overwhelm her even more." He furrowed his brows at me, noticing the way my chest heaved up and down.

As much as I wanted to argue, and go after her, I knew I would be no help right now. I was too angry, absolutely fuming. So I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, "Go get her." I said through gritted teeth, pleading with him to make sure she's safe. He sighed, but nodded before walking passed me to run after (y/n).

How could I be so stupid? I never should have let her go in there alone. I should have known better. And he hit her. He hurt her. Whatever self control I had was gone now, along with the guards who followed Obi-Wan.

"Shut off the camera's in that room." I said to R2, hearing his beeps of confusion but he did it anyways. In anger, slammed the door open and narrowed my eyes on the culprit.

"Where is she?" He yelled, stomping his was towards me.

"Far away from you." I seethed, slamming the door shut.

"Bring her back! She coerced me into that false admission! She didn't get my consent to record our conversation-"

"And did you get her consent to lay your hands on her?" I yelled over him, angrily grabbing him by the throat and slamming him
against the wall.

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