9. its a comfort thing.

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(y/n)'s pov

Anakin held me close to him as we slowly walked towards my room. There were guards standing behind us, slowly walking too.

"Stay here." Anakin whispered into my ear, letting me go as he slowly stepped into the room.

I stood there in full panic, my arms wrapped around myself as I tried to control my breathing.

I was sitting outside, just trying to enjoy my book when I felt like I could feel someone watching me. I looked around and noticed someone looking at me though my bedroom window. I didn't want to make it obvious that I knew they were there, so I walked in like everything was fine and told Anakin.

Now that leads us to here, standing in front of my room while he searches it. I don't know how this could have happened, how they got in here undetected and without Anakin being able to tell. Then again, we were outside and I wasn't in any immediate danger so he must not have sensed it. But still, it was terrifying how easy it was for them to get in here.

I could still feel eyes on me, causing me to look around the halls to try and find the set of eyes on me. The halls were clear, no one hiding behind anything. I sighed as I began biting my thumb nail as the anxiety took over, my eyes roaming more until I looked up to the roof. When I did, someone was there.

I let out a startled scream as they dropped down onto me. They knocked me to the ground, the air leaving my lungs with the pressure of them on me. My head knocked against the marbled floor, instantly causing pain to shoot through my body. They were wearing a helmet of some kind, but I could see their form change slightly.

What the hell is this thing?

They had one hand around my throat, gripping tightly as they raised their other arm, some sort of syringe in their hand. My eyes widened in fear as this was all happening so quickly, but it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. Their hand started moving towards me, preparing to inject me with what was no doubt poison.

Before their hand could reach me, a blue light appeared and sliced through their hand. They screamed in pain, tumbling onto the floor beside me. I instantly rushed away from them, tears in my eyes as I crawled to lean against the wall.

"Who sent you?" I heard Anakin growl out, holding his lightsaber towards their neck.

"It's just a job." The feminine voice spoke out, groaning at the pain they felt in their lost limb.

"Who, sent, you?" He growled out again, his lightsaber getting closer to her throat.

"I don't know! I don't know, I was hired by someone else." She screamed, making Anakin growl again.

He removed his lightsaber from her throat, standing from his position over top of her. "Take her to the holding cells. And keep and eye on her, I'll deal with her later." He spat out, both of us watching as the guards took her away.

Anakin turned back towards me, dropping at my side as he inspected me. "What hurts? Did they hurt you? Did they inject you with anything?" He questioned rapidly, my head shaking as an answer to each of his questions.

"My head," I groaned, moving my hand away from the back of my head and seeing the bit of blood on my fingers. "Ouch." I mumbled, totally freaked out by everything that's just happened.

"Come on, we have to get you checked out." Anakin sighed as he grabbed the syringe from before, helping me stand as we started walking towards our own medical wing of the hospital.

I sat on the bed as the doctors began doing their tests. Anakin stood outside the room the whole time, speaking to other doctors as his eyes were on me the whole time. I assume he ordered them to figure out what was in the syringe, his demeanour was commanding, as if he was just begging someone to disobey him so he could prove how powerful and dangerous he could be.

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