43. happy birthday, Princess•

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(y/n)'s pov

"What do you even wear to these kinds of things? I don't know if I have anything appropriate." I sighed for what felt like the millionth time.

"You're overthinking it, (y/n). Just wear something normal." Anakin shrugged.

"But what constitutes as normal? I'm a Senator and a Princess, that hardly makes me normal, and my clothes are proof of that."

"Here, wear this." Ahsoka handed me a few items of clothing, my eyes widened a bit as I looked them over. That's a little short.. "Anakin, out." Ahsoka ordered, and I noticed his face scrunch up in confusion a bit.


"Do you want to watch her change?"


"Of course I don't want to watch her change." He tried to lie, but of course Ahsoka already knew about us. And no matter how many times I have tried to tell him, he doesn't believe me. He says it would be impossible for her to know, because we've been so good at hiding it. I can't help but roll my eyes at his idiocy.

"You can't lie to me, Master. Get out you pervert." Ahsoka rolled her eyes, and Anakin sighed. He and I locked eyes momentarily and I sent him a tight lipped grin as he walked out of our room.

"He still doesn't believe that you know." I lightly chuckled once he was gone.

"I think he just doesn't want to worry about it getting back to the Council. As if I would tell the Council." She scoffed.

"He's just a very paranoid person. Hopefully one day he can let it all go though." I sighed, turning to step into the closet to change into the dress she handed me.

It was a short, strapless red dress. Paired with black lace gloves and black sheer stockings with platform heels. I really, very much liked the look. I couldn't stop staring at myself, and I had already put on one of my darker wigs. I wear wigs all the time now, since my sister has me trying out all of Naboo's new fashion trends here on Coruscant to try and expose the change in fashion. Not that it really matters to me, but it makes her happy.

"Come out! I want to see!" Ahsoka said happily

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"Come out! I want to see!" Ahsoka said happily.

I smiled as I stepped out, feeling a little self-conscious as her eyes widened a bit. "Is it too much? I can find something el-"

"Don't you dare!" She stated, stepping forward. "You look amazing. Anakin is going to freak out when he see's you in this."

I laughed, "You think so?" I could feel the blush creeping up on my cheeks.

"I know so."

"Where did you find something so.. Short, anyways?" I eyes her curiously.

afterglow {Anakin x Reader}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя