Sauron attention now focused on Celeborn and Glorfindel. They charged to him with a full force. High in spirit to fight the evil.

Suaron summon his men to attack Celeborn and Glorfindel. Orcs and Wargs ran woth their weapom in hand. Turn to Legolas and Tauriel,they headed to Thranduil. Thranduil just stood there holding his head.

I take Galadriel to the dais and let her sit there to her energy back. We need her to fight Sauron. It quiet imposibble to destroy him but we still could banished for years.


"Aran nin! Please! Regain yourself!"

Sauron always checked on Thranduil from minute to minute.

Orcs scattered. Wargs fall to the ground. Blood and sweats mix together. They need some back up.

Normal P.O.V

Legolas tried so hard to reach his father and now,he in front of him. He need to reach his father heart. Tauriel held his hand in a supporting gesture.


Thranduil turn to him,eyes unfocused. Legolas hold out a hand to his father. Hand shaking but he don't care. If his father take his hand,there is a chance to survive.

Tauriel already start fighting. Fire her arrows to the orcs. Slashing them with her blade. Buying Legolas some time.

"Hurry Legolas!"

Thranduil look at Legolas and Tauriel.

'Why are they look so familiar? Who are they? Who am I?'

"Adar...take my hand...I will help you"

Thranduil hold out his hand,uncertain of what he doing. But his heart insist to accept the hand of the other.

"Who...who are you?"

"It's me Adar...Legolas. Your son,your ion-nin,your greenleaf"


'Adar! Adar!'

'Careful penneth'

'No! Look what I found! It's shiny...and flying!'

'Patience ion-nin. It's dark here. Be careful'

'Look  at that Adar! What is that?! '

'That penneth,is a firefly'

'It's pretty...can I have one?'

'No penneth,they are live as we do. They have their own family. We need to protect them'

'I'm going to be the one who protect them when I big!'

'Yes Greenleaf,you will someday'

Have to try

To break free from the thought in my mind,the false memories,from the gripped of the evil

Use the time that I have

I can't say goodbye,need,no HAVE to make it right


Jis skins turn to normal as well as his teeth and eyes. Eyes full sadness and regret. Eyes clearly show something that all of them fear.

He knew this day would come,but he doesn't know that it this near. As he want to reach Legolas hand,an orc pull his son leg. Dragging him away from him. He scream,scream for his Adar to save him.



As he tried to throw himself toward Legolas,to save his ion nin,another orc prevent him. He struggle againt the orc grip,but it was useless. Through a watery eyes he watch Legolas being punched and slashed by the filthy orcs weapon. Watching his kin being hit. Elrond,trying to strike Sauron,but it was imposibble. Sauron is too strong. His Nana,Lady Galadriel,using her ring beyond her limit.

Tauriel,he already take her under his wing like his own daughter. She's a good girl. How he love her as much as Legolas. There is Celeborn,his Adar and Glorfindel,his favourite ambassador. Fighting with each other support.

No,he can't break down here. He need to make it right. He need to solve the problem he sought out. He's the one who did this. His ego,his pride,his fear.

He pray to the Valar,to give him some more time to fix this. He called out all the nature to help him.

Rise my friends
Arouse from the deep slumber you in
Lend me some of your power
For the last time

And yes,his prayer is granted.

"Thank you Valar"

Root sprout wildly under the building. Wrapping all the orcs and wargs they managed with their thorny branches and roots.

Trees now all aroused,even the dead trees now come to life. Helping him to destroy the evil.

The elves now stunned watching the nature on their side. The trees form an army. Throwing rocks and wood to the orcs armies. Buried them into a deep hole. Foxes and another animals now shredding the wargs flesh. Bloodcurdling scream echo around Dol Guldur.

But one thing the forget

One thing that is the most dangerous

The Master of Evil



Thranduil's Adar

" can't be...the nature should bow to ME!"

Thranduil slashed all the orcs and wargs who comein his way. Clearing his way to his Adar. He need to kill him. Eventhough he did felt happy with the little time he spent with his Adar,this evil should be stop forever.

"No Adar...they all have their own freedom"

"Why are you doing this Tharan..."

"Adar,it's just a name"

" did suit you well. Did you think your Naneth give it without thinking. She love me,she love you...but alas,she had to die first"

Thranduil felt a big stab of sorrow in his heart.

'You the one who kill her!'

'You kill my wife!'

'The one who should die is you! Not her!'

'Usualy I can felt her body pressed againts me in the night,but now...there's NO MORE!!!'

"Forgive me...ion-nin,but this should be done"

Sauron summon another armies of orcs and wargs. Along with his shadow knights. Nature can't hold them back anymore. There's too many of them.

He look around. Watching avery singles tree he call fall to the earth. Wailing in pain.

My precious forest,my precious friend

How he loved them all. How he close to them. How he tried to save them. How he knew all of them. Fallen in this cursed land.

In order to protect

The cursed elf.

He swing his twins swords. Killing all the orcs. Slashing their throat. Beheading them. Blood spurted from the wound. Wetting his garment. Without an armor to protect him,he is vulrable.

Then his heart stop.

Ion-nin,my little sweet Greenleaf.


So guys,this story is one more step to it's end. I can't believe it! I'm about to leave this story and create another. One more chapter and...there is no more. Like I promise to you guys. I'm going to make the ending early. This work is over my expectation. I never thought it will reach this long. Better not make you guys waiting. So...the next update is the last update. I feel like wanna cry. :'( . no more Thranduil,no more Legolas.  After this I'm gonna continue my other work called as Devour,it's aboout Loki and Thor.  Thank you guys!

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