Mischief Manager part 4

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  Thranduil is hopping from stone to stone in the river. He hopped onto the last stone and spined. He hummed happily and smile. He can't wait for a right time to gave her the thing. Something valuable. From the bottom of his heart. Maybe he could wait until Elrond back from to Esgaroth. He sure take a lot of time in order to find the perfume.

He walked around the woods. Enjoying the company of the nature. Sang their own song,sound so melodic in his ears. He hummed followed the tunes. Sat under a tree he played with the soil. Drew circles over and over again. He doesn't know why he felt so happy today.

"Lord Thranduil!"

Thranduil looked to the right,a guard stood at the other side is calling for him.


"Lady Galadriel demand your presence!"

He quickly on his feet and ran to the palace.

The dodge and stumble upon the persons he met in his way to Galadriel's reading chamber.

"Sorry! Excuse me! Get out of my way please! Sorry! Forgive me!"

With a pant he finally reach Galadriel's reading chamber. He took a long deep breath and pat a bit his dusty garment. He straightened his jacket and caresses his hair back. Tucked the stray hair behind his ear and he is ready.

Knock. Knock

"Come in"

Thranduil turn the knob around and pushed the massive door open.


He immediately stopped in his track. The words he wanted to said rolled back into his mouth.

Never in his mind ever crossed that Celeborn and a few maids is going to be in there. All of them got their hands claps on the back. Serious expression on their face.



"Yes Nana"

"Do you know why I call you here?"


He shifted on his legs,uneasy. His brows met each other. Sweats suddenly appeared on his forehead. Eyes wild to the left,to the right.

"Really..." This time Celeborn spoke. His eyes bore into Thranduil's. Seeking for doubts and un-confidence. He keeps staring Thranduil until Thranduil gave up.

"O-okay...mm-maybe I knew...or not"




"Hey! I heard about a Mother's Day!"

"What is that?"

"I'm not sure about it...but,the last time I went to the human realm,they talked about this Mother's Day!"

"They said we can give something to our Naneth as a way we appreciated them and love them!"

"Wow...why we never thought of this?"

"I don't know...but the Mother's Day is long past. I don't know what date they celebrate it"

Thranduil who sat on the bench perked up his ears. He silently eavesdrop their conversation. This Mother's Day is something so interesting for him. So,he decide to make something with his hand for his Nana.

He get up and walked to the southern part of the kingdom. There is a flower which he thought as the most beautiful flower he ever seen. 

When he reach the place,he stared in wonder. He saw the most beautiful flower at the top of the branch. He tried to reach for it but he can't. It's too high. He wanted to climbed the tree,but the branch where the flower grown is on a thin branch. He couldn't take the risk. Suddenly he remember something. There is stool around the place. Belong to someone who own the stable at the outskirt.

He took the stool and climbed on it. He stood on his toes but he still didn't reach it. He jumped with all his might and he reached the flower and plucked it. Unfortunately,he didn't land on his feet,but on his back. Over the stool,and....he managed to broke it. He  looked down guiltily to the broken stool. He collected the parts of the stool and carried it to the stable.

The next morning,he went to the laundry side to find the paint he had spotted a few month ago.

He sneaked upon the the laundry bar and goes into the storage room. He search all over the place until his shirt torn. He looked at the shirt at frown. He doesn't like to be in a messed state. But the paint is more important.

"Hop,hop the squirrel,hop onto the tree"

"Picked all the acorns,and hide it in the tree"

"Hop,hop the squirrel,hop down the tree"

"Running on the ground and hop on another tree~"

He sang.


He grabbed the paint can and turn away. He didn't realise that the paint can is creaked open. He swung it fort and back. Until he saw something. Navy blue colour splashed in front of him. And splashed. Upon. A. Dress. That. Hung. On. The. Hanger.

His face turned horror. Valar....what.have.I.done?

He tried to make the paint gone with wiping it. But it's turn out. It gone worst,horrible. It spread's to the other side.


After a week later,he gone to the galley to find some bowl and a spoon to make his give. He racked all over the place to find a suitable bowl. And then he heard a muttered voice from behind. He quickly grabbed a random bowl and sprinted to his room. At the corner of the galley,he knocked over a vase and....


It's shattered in the floor! But Thranduil paid it no attention and continued sprinted.

"That....is...what happen..."

"I'm not doing it all on purpose...forgive me..."

"Thranduil...what are you trying to do?"

"Th-this Nana..."

Thranduil put his hand in a pocket and grabbed something in it. He then held it out and show it to Galadriel. It's a necklace. A hand made transparent blue crystal with a reddish pink rose in it. Golden and silver beads decorate the rope leather he used. It's so beautiful. Galadriel took it from Thranduil and admired it.

"It's...it for you Nana..Happy Mother's Day"

He said sheepily. He smile to her with a red flushed cheeks. All the maids and Celeborn felt so touchy with Thranduil's action. They already forgot what Thranduil had done.

"Thank you,Thranduil. But you can just ask for the material. No need to sneaked up like that"

"Then..it won't be a surprised.."

"Yes...it won't. Thank you so much"

Galadriel kiss his forehead and gave him a big hug. He buried his head to the crook of her neck and mumble,

"Thank you so much for being my Nana"

"Still...who is the prankster which prank Elros and Celebrian?"

Celeborn wondered.


Wailed Celebrian.

"He is"

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