Journal(Part 5)

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   Twins rivers flowed from Legolas' eyes. He doesn't know that his father's life already be so hard when he still an elfling. His father accused him as a murdered. Doesn't have any friend,tortured, always left alone,not knowing a mother love. Even Legolas lost his mother when he still young,at least he know what is a mother love. Now,he know that his father had to beg to a mere guard to love him as his own child.

   Suddenly he recall that he had to search for his father. He could be anywhere! He ran out from his room,wiping his wet teary eyes with the back of his hand.

  Still holding the book,he headed to the stable. He jump on his mount and spank the horse. Before the horse can start running,Elrond stop it. His mount jumped in shock making Legolas fell to the ground. He touch at back of his neck and groaned.

  "Why...did you do that?!" He shouted.

"Forgive me. But I do believe you got a realm to take care of."


"Is this realm more important than search for my father?!"

"Yes" Elrond replied calmly.

"No! My father's life is more important!"

"Yes,that true,but your father treasure this realm like he treasure you. He already spent his youth to bring this realm to all it's glory. Don't let it go wasted."



Legolas went to the halls and sat upon his father majetic throne. He know that his father's throne is huge. But he doesn't know that it this massive huge until he sat upon it. He can see all inches of this halls. He felt incredibly powerfull yet a big burden slumped on his shoulder. He just replace his father for a while but he can feel how hard this position could be. He doesn't want to take the throne. He opened the journal to continue reading it while waiting for something to do.


  My new Adar had to go to work. He said I can visit his home to meet with his wife. But I didn't go to his home. I know it inappropriate to visit someone unannounced. My king already teach me that. Memory flood into my mind.

I was running to Adar bedchamber. I pushed his door open and run into his lap. I cried on his strong broad chest. He pushed me harshly from his lap. Make me fall to the hard floor. I stunned.

  "What are you doing wretched?"
  "I...I just want to seek comfort from you Adar."

  That is a truth. Some ladies in the kitchen torment me and bullied me. They said that I only bring trouble whenever I go. They doesn't want to get banished by Adar. They hit me with thing they can reach. My hand and body bruised by their action. They then splashed me with a bucket full of weird smelling liqiud.  I ran from them and went to Adar.

  "And why are you smelling so foul and wet? Now you have dirtying my robes and wetting my room! You must be punished. Let it be your lesson."

He unbuckle his belt and pinned me to the floor. He quickly disrobe me and began slashing my back with his belt. Every slash drew blood and tearing my flesh open. His belt made of metal not of leather. I screamed in agony. It's hurt so much,but comparing to how much my heart broken with his action,this is nothing.

   He slashed me harder everytime, each time I screamed he will laugh like a maniac. It seem so fun for him to watch me broken and hurt infront of him.

   And I know one thing.
   How much he love to see me broken,weak.
   That day I swore that I will never crying infront of him.
   Never again seeking his comfort.

  A strong breeze of cold wind snapped me out of my though. I realized that now is the time for my diplomatic lesson. I walked to my closet and took out my regal robes. I took off my casual attire and froze infront of my mirror. Cut,bruised and old scars painted all over my body. Some of them still healing. I bowed my head down in ashammed.

   Suddenly I heards the trees calling for me. I walked to my window and opened it widely. Nature is my only friend. Loyal ones also. They never betrayed me. Always by my side. As they do now. The weep for me. Singging my some lullaby. They whispered to me.

  "Don't cry precious one..."

  "We always with you..."
  "Now tell us what's wrong..."

  "My body full of shammed,cause by none of my own's a shamed when your body is full of scars by tortured and not battle..."

  "Fret not dear..."

  "We can help you..."

The trees moved their branches closer to me,touching my head. More like patting me. A warm energy washed over me. I feels like new. I look on my hands that not long ago full with scar now gone. No more scars decorated my body. I beamed at this.

  "What did you do? Thank you! Thank you so much!"

I hugged the branches. The branches wrapped around me like an embraced gesture.

   "We didn't do anything dear,you are the one who did it."

   " we only showed you the way."

  "You can used nature magic love,we only helped you to used it. Nothing more."

   "Remember this little one,we always with you. Just call out for us when you need us."

  The trees retreated their branches and went quiet again. I set out to the halls to meet with all the councelers.


"We must streghtened our border my king!"

"Yes! We shouldn't let anyone look at us like a worm in dirt."

"Do you got any suggestion my liege?"

All this diplomatic make the gears in my head spinning furiously. Sharping my thinking. I can thinks a lot of things to streghtened our defences. Also our relations with another realm. My king look like he lost in his thought. Clearly he can't think anything about this. He always depends on his councelers.

   "I need to think about this. What does the rumors said about Greenwood?"

  "Lot of peoples said that Greenwood is a penetrable realm. It got no defence nor a great king to took care of her. Even a mere human can breach our safety. Rumors also saud that our realm have been a target for the evil to spread it's influence."

  I know this is a serious matter. Greenwood can fall from all her glory when darkness set upon her. Tis is true that our king is a weak one. Too selfish,so arragont to heed to anyone. Even his own heir.

  One of the ambassadors turns to me. His gazed set upon me. Make me uncomfortable somehow.

   "Do you got any suggestion my prince? You always the one with excellent ideas."

This make me received a dagger glare from my king. Swalowed the lump in my throat I answered.

  "Y-yes..,I got a-a few ideas."

   "Then share with us please"

    "We put a glomour upon our border to cloud the outsiders realm. With this,they cannot found the way to the entrance of Greenwood. Let them lost in the wood. Or we can set a trap that can elert us when someone touching them."

    I got this ideas when I remember the trees lesson this morning, they teach me how to set glamour upon myself. No one can released it but me.

   "What a great suggestion my prince! You'll make a great king one day"

  Adar growled at me. He then gesture me to come closer. He whispered to my ears.
   "Meet my at my chamber" with that he left.

I know what is going to happen to me. My punishment.


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