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  I rode faster to get away from Elrond. He's digging too much. Too much that can destroy my plan. The view became more clearer as the sunlight pour brightly without any obstacle. Then I saw a beautiful shore lay in front of me. Crystal clear water,letting me saw what beneath it. Colourful pebbles scattered in the warm water. Fishes swam gracefully with their family. Seaweed dances along with the wave. It's such a breath taking sight. And that's mean we already at the end of our border.

  Adar held out a hand to gesture us to stop at the track. He jumps off his mount and strode toward me. He held out his hand and slid them below my armpits. He carried me down and put me on the ground. I wondered why we stop here. Were still in Greenwood,not the human land Esgaroth. I saw a short bridge with a short thick pole on it at the end of the shore. Which mean a dork where we import our finest wine to all over Middle Earth,along with our veggies and herbs. We also built a gazebo thete to let any of the fisherman or the dealer to take a rest there. But one question still in my head.Why in the world we're doing here?

"Adar?" I called out for him,slow.
"Yes?" He turn to me.
"Why we stop here? There still a long way for us to reach Esgaroth"
"We can't ride our mount to reach there Ca..Ceasar. Horses can't swim"
"Then,how can we go to the other lands? We don't have any boat to across the shore"
I whine.

"Hahaha. Relax child. That why we need that" he point his finger to the dock. I gap.

My mind raced to figure out what does he means with the dock. Dock. Import. Wine. Treaty. That's it!

"You mean were gonna wait for any of the fisherman to pass this way and then we can ask them to send us to Esgaroth"

"Exactly. My clever boy"

He ruffles my hair and slightly mess it. Half of my braid bacame undone and some of them still intact together. Now I had to open all the braids and I let my shoulder lenght hair hung freely.  Tucked a few stray hair behind my ear and done. Even it's not really a neat look but it still acceptable. As if luck with us, a man is paddling his boat toward the dock. Probably taking a rest. Three barrels full with fishes being place at the in front of his medium size boat. He looks like in his middle age. Maybe younger than me.

Human is a fascinating creature in Middle Earth. Their life expand is short yet full with memories. Bitter and sweet. Their short life make them live in happiness,filled their time with work,building their own family,adventures.
They male themself busy to explore this world as much as they could. Unlike the elves,we have a lot of time in this world to explore everything. Things work diffrent for us. That's why we rarely attend any wedding,funerals and meets elfling. We live forever. And that make us feels like time is not so precious. Make our life felt so bored. The good about them is they doesn't have to grieve for their loved for millenia.

The mercant or fisherman,maybe both. I don't know,already tied up his boat's rope tightly at the pole. He then step out from his boat with a basket held in his hand and walked to the gazebo. He's taking a rest. It's our opportunity to ask for his help. Maybe bribe with some gold. Or jewels. I don't have many jewels or gold. The king doesn't let me carry a lot of gold because I still an elfling. Fine,that is a good reason.

"Adar,let us ask him for help"
"Wait here. I'll go"
"But how will you persuade him?"

"I got my own way. Believe me"

He wink at me. I blinked my eyes a few time. What he just doing. I shook my head a few time. He jogged slowly toward the fisherman. He then greet the fisherman with a friendly way. The fisherman shocked when he see Adar. Yes,we can understand that. Elves is rarely make contact with humans. Unlike dwarves,Maia,nor skin changer,we used to be with our kind only.

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