Chapter 21

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"Knock Knock." Clara says as she enters the room where the bride and brides maids were getting ready in within the Salvatore home.

"Clara, you made it!" Jo says with relief in her face.

"Clara!" Bonnie and Elena say as the three greet her in a hug, lightly surprising Clara.

"Oh I feel loved." she jokes returning the hug. "Oh, Bonnie I'm so glad you're back. Are you guys excited?" 

"I will be once I find my shoes." Jo says as she starts pacing.

"You lost your shoes?" Clara questions confused as the others began to do stuff.

"Do you want me to do a locator spell?" Bonnie questions as she messes with the steamer.

Jo looks at her confused, "On my shoes?" She asks earning a nod from the young witch. "Is that possible?"

"I don't know, actually. Just hang on, I got to figure out how to work this stupid thing." Bonnie replies as she looks around the steamer confused, pulling at it.

"Oh, good, break it! Because my wrinkled dress will surely distract everyone from my bare feet." Jo replies sarcastically looking a bit stressed.

"Okay. No stressing this is you big day." Clara tells the bride.

"Yeah. Don't waste all your panic now! You still have eight hours until the ceremony. Non-alcoholic mimosa?" Elena adds, handing Jo a glass then another to Clara.

"One, a non-alcoholic mimosa is just an orange juice. And two, I can't drink. Somebody should drink. You should drink." Jo rambles, gesture for Elena to grab a drink.

"I will drink, eventually. But, I have human tolerance now, which is cheaper but a lot less fun." Elena says as she grabs a drink for herself.

"Wait your human now?" Clara questions, looking to her with wide eyes.

Elena gives her a smile, "Yeah, didn't get the chance to tell you. But when Bonnie came back, she brought the cure. I'm human."

"Then I guess we're celebrating two things. Cheers!" Clara says, lifting her glass up.

"Cheers." Elena repeats and they all take a drink before Jo's phone rings, causing panic to fill her face again.

"Oh. oh!" Elena grabs Jo's phone before she could even grab it. "Relax." she tells Jo before answering the phone. "Jo's phone. Oh, huh. Okay."

Jo panic again, "That's not an "okay" okay. That's a "there's a problem" okay." she says as she gets closer to Elena.

"Yeah, we'll call you back. Bye." Elena says through the phone before hanging up. "Danielle's got the flu." she tells Jo.

Jo gives her a tense smile, "Huh. It sounded like you just said, "Danielle has the flu," which is impossible, because Danielle is my wedding coordinator." she says with fake calm tone.

"...Yeah." Elena hesitantly replies with a grimances.

"Well, how sick is she? Can she still work?" Jo questions a bit more frantically.

"It depends how much vomit you want at your wedding?"  Elena tells her with sad smile.

Jo begins to pace with a look of panic on her face. "Hey, don't worry. This is still your special day, we'll help make this right." Clara tells her grabbing Jo's hands softly in reasurence.

"To be honest, I think maybe this is a good thing! Because no matter how good Danielle was, I am pretty sure I'm better." Caroline says as she walks into the room with a determined smile, gaining all the girls attentions.

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