Chapter 4

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The two walk back into the path in the yard, no real direction, just away from the house, "You have a magic block, to put it simple. You can't use your magic but, obviously, others can. You have a lot of magic in you." Kai explains.

"How can you tell how much magic I have?" Clara questions, confused by his words.

"Its a whole thing with why I don't have magic." he says before grabbing her wrists causing them to stop. "I can literally feel the magic and the block on you." he admits to her.

Clara pulls her wrists away slowly, "Okay. Then can you get rid of the magic block?" she asks, looking down then back at him.

"I could. I mean it'll cost you, but I could definitely do it." Kai says as moves around her, before stopping Infront of her.

"What do you want?" she questions a bit skeptically.

Kai fakes a thoughtful look, "Hmm. How about your full name." he tells her.

Clara's brows furrow in confusion. "My name? Why?" she asks him.

"To help with my theory on why you're here." he tells her vaguely as he begins to pace around her again. 

"My name, is Clara Ann Gilbert." she tells him.

He pauses behind her, "Is that your real name?" he questions.

Clara was about to question what he meant by that when she remembers the photo she found in the lake house. "No... That's my adopted name... My real name was," she pauses putting the pieces together herself, "Clara Ann Parker." she whispers out loud.

Kai moves to be in front of her again, a smile on his face. "Looks like I didn't have to go looking for you after all. Granted, I wanted our reunion to be more spectacular and over dinner not with you being stuck here, but we can't all be winners." Kai rambles as Clara stares at him stunned.

Clara blinks her eyes a few times as she wraps her head over this new information, , "Wait, how-how long have you known?" she asks.

"Well I didn't know for sure. Like I said, I had a theory. First it was wan I was the only person able to touch you. Then came the magic I felt in you, which isn't yours by the way. Oh, not to forget the blood tracking spell splitting into two puddles, the others didn't notice but that helped a lot. You just sealed my theory to be true with your name." he explains rather calmly with a smile never leaving his face.

"Then why don't I remember you?" at her words, his smile drops and his expression turned to one of annoyance.

"Our family." he begins, saying rather harshly, "never really liked us. We weren't normal. We are siphons, abominations in their eyes. So when they sent me here, they must of used magic to block your memories as well." Kai explains frustration in his tone.

"Do you have proof? Because right now you could be lying to me?" Clara says with a small frown, crossing her arms.

Kai sighs to calm himself and his shoulders drop. "I promise, I'm telling you the truth. But, lucky me, I have proof." he tells her, reaching into his inner pocket to pull out the photo of the two of them. He hands her the photo and she looks it over.

"Th-this is me." Clara whispers, tears coming to her eyes. He wasn't tricking her. Kai was her father.

Kai nods, "Yeah. You're my daughter Clara. And I'm so sorry that they tore us apart." he says as he slowly pulls her into a hug.

Clara hugs him back, allowing herself to cry. "We need to get out of here." she says to him before pulling away, wiping away the tears.

"We will. And you'll find you're daughter. We won't let history repeat for us. But first, lets get those magic blocks off you." Kai tells her.

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