Chapter 19

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The storm was blazing though the bayou as the wolves stayed around the hideout. Lucky, Clara was able to get Hope to nap while Hayley was talking with Mary. With an umbrella, Clara made her way over to the two. "A Voodoo queen I knew showed me how to use herbs to see if magic was afoot. Combine Solomon seal and snapdragon and burn 'em." Mary says as she joins the two.

The girls watch as the older woman lights the herb bundle on fire and place it in a bowl. "If the smoke is white, all's clear. If it's black, there's a hex in the air. And, if it's red? Well, then you know you're in trouble." they watch as the smoke comes up black. "Just what I thought-- this storm ain't natural."

Hayley sighs, "It's Dahlia. She's trying to pin us down."

"But why do it with a storm? This all feels, off." Clara comments as she looks up at the clouds.

Jackson approaches them after coming back from scouting ahead, "The road to the highway is flooded. The quickest way out of here is on foot, through back roads." he informs them, before noticing a look on Hayleys face.

With a look and an 'excuse me' the two walk away leaving Clara with Mary as they discuss that Klaus had escaped. "How is the little one?" Mary questions.

"Better then last night. She's gotten use to the storm and is luckily taking a nap." Clara tells her with a smile.

"If you ever need a nap yourself, you can always hand her off to me. I don't mind." Mary offers the young witch.

"I appreciate that very much." Clara tells her before all their attention was taken.

"Alright, everybody. Listen up!" Jackson shouts, gethering all the wolves around. Mary and Clara stay under the tarp under the rain while they have their meeting.

"I want to thank you all for staying with us. Protecting us. For the past few weeks, each one of you has shown me more kindness than I have ever known. Despite hardships and tragedy, you've all become the family I always wanted. You're my pack." Hayley addresses before taking a deep breath, "But, I can't let you risk your lives any more than you already have. The witch is coming. She's powerful, and she's not gonna stop. Jack and I will be better off taking Clara and Hope and getting as far away as we can. Alone." she tells the pack.

"Hayley." Clara whispers, earning a look of reasurance from Hayley. A small pit of guilt was in Clara's stomach, she never wanted to sepearte her friend from her pack.

"I want you to know how grateful I am for everything that you have offered me. Us. But, I can't be your queen anymore." Hayley tells them with her head held high.

Slowly, all the wolves began to kneel in respect. Jackson takes her hand, "You will always be their queen." he says before bowing and kissing her hand.


The storm had left, and with the thanks of Mary, they could tell that all forms of magic in the air had left. That didn't stop the anxiety Clara felt once the crossed teh river. This was the point they were suppose to properly get out of New Orleans. To be free until Dahlia goes into her centuries long slumber. So why does this feel like they aren't actually leaving the danger.

"Lets go!" Hayley instructs to everyone once on of the wolves pulls up on the back road with a truck they had found.

The drive didn't feel like a long one to Clara, she watched the scenery change as they got distance from the quarter and the bayou she was familir with. They finally stopped when they got to a junkyard for the night.

The bad feeling grew as she got Hope ready for bed. From her bag, slowly Clara got her phone and turned it on. And once Hope fell asleep, she called the one person she knew rid her of the fear that was crawling up her back.

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