Chapter 6

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Clara's eyes flutter open. At first she was confused, covering her body was a grey veil. Sitting up, the room she was in was unfamiliar and lit with candles. "What the-?" she mumbles to herself as she moves the veil off her and moves her legs over the edge of the table she was on.

"Enough games Davina! Send out my father! Let's finish this!" she could hear Nik's shouts from outside where ever she was.

"Nik?" she says, standing, stumbling for a second before rushing to the door.

As her hand lands on the handle, she hears someone on the other side, "Release me! Or I will kill you right now!" Mikeal says which causes Clara to freeze.

She stares at the door in shock, "Davina!! Is this not why brought him for?! I'm not afraid!" Nik shouts once more.

Clara presses her ear on the door to hear what was happening and could slightly make out someone chanting a spell before it stops, then a door creaking open. Slowly Clara goes to open the door but can feel magic on it. "Focus." she reminds herself, closing her eyes and feels the magic. She successfully feels the magic get removed and opens the door.

She realizes that she's in a cabin somewhere. On the floor of the living room was an unconscious Davina and some blonde boy knelling by her side. "Who the hell are you? And why am I here?" Clara demands, feed up with all the confusion.

The boy turns to look at her in surprise, "Clara! Your awake! Your fine!" he says in relief, standing and making his way over to her quickly, "Oh, I'm so glad your okay!" he says before pulling you into a hug.

Clara doesn't hug back, instead she pushes him off her. "Woah, back up. Yes, I'm fine, but who are you?" she questions him.

He sighs, "Right. Well darling, we've met before but under very different circumstances." he says vaguely, before looking over at a still unconscious Davina. "This stays between us, " he says quieter then before, "I'm Kol, but they know me as Kaleb. I convinced Davina to keep you hidden from Esther's wrath." he quietly explains to her.

"Hold on. Are you telling me that both Esther and Mikeal are back, alive, targeting all of us again?" Clara asks, not wanting to hear the answer.

"Rightfully, yes." Kol tells her reluctantly as she sighs. Thuds and shouts of pain can be heard from outside.

"Nik." Clara says in concern making a move for the door.

"Hey. Hey. Woah." Kol was quick to stop her and pull her back.

"What?" she asks, confused on why won't let her go.

"Mikeal is out there. you should not go outside. If he knowns your here, he'll use you against Klaus, again." Kol tries to rationalize.

"Yeah, I know. I heard. I'll be fine, I can defend myself now." Clara tells him unfazed with this information.

"What do you mean can defend yourself..." he stops himself, "Wait. Did you find your family?" Kol questions.

"Yeah, sort of. I met my dad. Long story short, I have magic, surprise. Now, I'm going to go kill Mikeal." Clara tells him, trying to go for the door again.

Kol pulls her back again, "Sorry, did you just say you have magic?" he questions a bit surprised.

She sighs, "Yes. Family's horrible, but they are witches. I'm technically a siphon with like 18 years of magic just waiting for me to use, so yeah still a witch though." she explains quickly.

"You're gonna have to tell me the long story to that later." Kol tells her with a thoughtful look on his face.

Clara nods before pausing, "They stopped." she comments once she realizes the fighting from outside had silence.

"What?" Kol asks not catching on to her realization.

Clara doesn't respond, she just moves past him before he can stop her again. Opening the door she rushes out of the cabin, and was met with Nik standing over Mikeal having won whatever battle that had just transpired.

"Nik." she says almost breathless. It had hit her that she was here, with him again. Finally she was home.

Nik looks in her direction, a conflict clear in his eyes as he looks her over, "Is this another trick? Huh Mother! I won the fight, so here is my prize?" He was quick to shout to the sky. "You think I'd listen to you better if you showed me the woman I love? As, as some sick mirage?!" He continues as he looks around before looking to Clara again.

"No, Nik. I'm here. I'm really here." she tries to reassure him as he begins to walk towards her.

"If you're Clara, really my Clara." he starts before grabbing her arms with a tad bit more force then she was expecting, "Then when did we meet properly?" he asks her, harsh glare not leaving his eyes.

"Mystic Falls. I was taking picture by the fountain, and you approached me." she quickly answers, not faltering as she stares at his eyes.

"Clara?" He questions in a whisper, any anger on his features fell to give her a loving look. "It's really you." he says in disbelief, caressing her cheek with his hands.

"It's really me. I'm here, I'm home. I found my way home." she reassures him, tears beginning to build in her eyes as a single tear falls from his face.

Nik wastes no time to lean down and kiss her. It was a desperate kiss, as if she would disappear again. She gave him just as much emotion, missing him after so long. 

They pull away slowly, barely any space between them as they just hold one another, their foreheads leaning on one another. "Where's our daughter?" Clara asks softly, opening her eyes to look into his blue orbs.

"Safe." was all he told her, causing her to sigh in relief, before hugging him again.


956 Words

Yay! They're reunited!

I hope you've enjoyed!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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