Chapter 26

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Manik's pov

I was literally biting my nails thinking about what was going on in Nandini's cabin. I can't believe Nandini was that civil and smily with disha.

Not being able to take it anymore, I walked to her cabin and stood on the edge on the door so I could hear.

"Just fucking leave Nandini" disha yelled

"I fucking left a year ago, I left you both but you are back in my life creating all this ruckus" nandini said

"Nandini this is so like you, fucking the boss to get a job and to go against us" disha said and my hands formed a fist

"Okay so lets clear this up all in for once. I am not sucking anyone's dick to get a job unlike you. I got this becasue I deserved it. I might have left once but I have someone here who means the world to me so no I am not leaving. I am not that innocent nandini anymore who will cry and burst into fits of tears becasue of your rudeness"

"I will speak to manik about this" disha said and I heard nandini laughing sarcastically

"You do that" she said

"He should know what you did to harshad and I" disha said

"Ya go ahead tell him how fucked up you both were to me, how you ruined my life, and how you accused me of things with no proof. Do it disha, I fucking dare you. I am so sick and tired of hiding this past of mine even though it is no fault of mine. So lets do it, let me call him" she said and I walked inside

"Are you okay" I asked walking in

"Manik, I have to tell you something about nandini" she said

"What" I snapped

"She and harshad were friends when I started dating harshad. She had sex with him when he was drunk and then cried to the whole world saying he forced himself on he which was false" she said

"My meeting with harshad has been rescheduled to tom so get out of here now" I said and she looked taken back

"And you with me" I said pointing at Nandini

I saw disha smirking from the corner of my eyes when I grabbed her arm talking her out with me


"Shh give me 5 minutes" I said driving to this beach that I go to when im upset

When we got there I grabbed her hand again walking near the shore

"Wanna talk" I asked

"I didn't fuck harshad" she said

"I never asked you" I said

She sat down on the sand, I sat behind her pulling her closer in my arms, her back rested on my chest

"I was dating harshad when I was in grade 12, I started dating him and everyhting was fun and games until the second year of my college. he told me he wanted to do more and I didn't know what he meant but quickly I realized that he means he wants sex. I had made it clear that I didn't want to do anything sexual until I was fully ready and with him, I never really wanted to for some reason. we kissed a few times but I felt weird every time. I just thought I was butterflies you know but nope. Then one day it was his birthday and he expected sex but I still wasn't ready and I mentioned that. He kinda played it off for a bit and then finally when he realized I wasn't gonna give up so he humiliated me in front of the whole party. He told them I didn't know how to satisfy a man, he said I was useless and dating me was like dating a cold statue, he said I was never warm or nice to him. eveyr day for the next two years he humiliated me a lot, spread stupid lies about me. Umm throughout this time I thought Disha would be my support system because she was my best friends but no, she umm she had been hooking up with harshad since first year college. She not only betrayed my trust she and harshad starting dating almost instantly but that wasn't all. She helped him with rumours and all the humiliation" she said breaking down a little by little

"It's okay, I've got you" I said caressing her arms

"You know I tried getting up every day and just going with life, hoping today will be better but it wasn't. It just got worse so I left as soon as I finished my degree" she finished

"You know what nandini? You are so strong for pulling it together every day but you can let yourself lose now, im here to pick up those broken pieces and build them like you want. The allegations and rumors were made by some motherfuckers who are insecure about themselves and the ones who believed them aren't your people nandini. I am telling you right now, I trust you more than I trust myself. I don't give a shit about what harshad has to say about you or what anyone else has to say about you. Do not ever doubt yourself okay" I said caressing her arms

"Im gonna kick their ass" she said making me laugh

"You do that, ill be right there if you want help with that" I said and she rested her head on my shoulder pulling my arms around her waist more

"You are so comforting" she whispered

"Umm maybe it's just the beach" I said

"Nope, well it is hehehe but you, your presence is something I love" I smiled hearing this

"And here I thought I was a monster" I teased

"You are but hehe manic you know what I mean na" she wined

"I know what you mean, wanna know something" she nodded

"I was thinking we could kick harshad's ass together" she grinned hearing this

"Yes sirrr, but how"

"Umm well you see he still doesn't know about the changes you made, he is so stupid that he didn't even read the papers before sighing"

"I told you he is weird, and dumb. I mean come on who doesn't go through the papers again" she said

"Apparently he does, also I think that we should definitely let him know soon so he can start losing his mind" I said

She leaned back and I smiled at her seeing how pure and innocent she looks

"Manik" I hummed looking in her eyes

"You are my rockstar" she said smiling

"And you are my star" I replied smiling

"I kinda wanna stay here until the sun goes down" she said

"We can do that" I said and she shook her head

"In the mood to kick some ass" she said making me chuckle

I leaned forward and kissed her forehead, she closed her eyes feeling my lips on her head. It gives me so much happiness seeing her this carefree.

When I pulled back she kissed my cheeks and tightening her hold on my arm.

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