Chapter 37

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I locked the door and made some soup for manik. I  also got a piece of chocolate with the soup and some crackers just to cheer him up.

I walked back in the room to see manik on my phone which he is not supposed to be. I put the tray down dnyanked the phone out of his hand making him look up.

"No electronics remember" I said sitting down in front of him

"Sorry" he mummbled

"Open up" I said feeding him soup and he didn't even fuss at all which made my doubt clear hat something is wrong

I washed up the dishes and closed the lights walking back in our room. Manik was laying down looking up at the ceiling, I slipped in bed beside him resting my back on the bed rest

"Come here" I said opening my arms and he carefully turned and laid in my arms, his face on my stomach while his arms were wrap around me

"Did something happen"

"No" came his immediate reply

"Manik lying or hiding things doesn't help, tell me whats bothering you and maybe talking will help" I said and I felt his rubbing his nose on my stomach

"Im sleepy" he said

"I know you are, but please don't keep it inside manik please" I said caressing his hair

"No one hit my car" he said

"What do you mean?" I asked being confused

"I umm after I talked to you I got gas and then before I started driving my phone rang. It was my dad" he said

This is why he cried in the hospital, it wasn't the physical pain, it was emotionally draining. He hates his dad and for him to pick up his phone it had to have been something serious

"He is getting married" he mummbled so softly that I was confused if I heard it right

"Married" I asked and he nodded

"He called me to invite me, Nandini he is getting married" his voice was shaky

"Shh it's okay"

"He is fucking getting married to another bitch, how can he do this Nandini, does he not care about us" he sounded broken

"Manik sometimes life is very unfair, sometimes we think everything is going wrong but that's not the case. There is always something positive to look for in every negative scenario. Right now you think he doesn't care about you and maybe that is the case but eveyrhting happens for a reason" I explained caressing his hair

"What reason nandini, this is all fucking bullshit" he said moving my hand from his hair

"It is not bullshit"

"It fucking is, why even fucking call to tell me he is getting married, the fuck am I supposed to do with that" he yelled

"Relax, you will get a headache" I siad rubbing his back but he moved my arm again

"Will you please just breath manik please" I said and he moved off of me laying beside me

"Don't tell me to breath" he said

"Manik you are letting your health get affected" he stayed quiet

"I am not gonna tell you that you shouldn't be angry because you should be upset but that doesn't mean you will get in an accident because of that"

"I just didn't see the guy until the last moment and had to swerve into the other side. It just hit the pole nothing else, not a big deal" he said

"How else is that supposed to even matter that you hit a pole not another car. You literally got hurt so bad that you were out for a good 8 hours, you have a concussion, freakng bruises all over your face and arms and it wasn't a big deal wow. Then im sorry that I thought it was a big god damn deal" I said getting off the bed

He grabbed onto my arm stopping me from leaving

"Nandini thats not what I meant" he said

"Then what did you mean" I asked moving his hand away

"Please don't walk away from me, I need you" his voice cracked saying this

"Im not walking away, I never would. I just need a minute so I don't yell at you"

"He left mom and I for idk who and now he is getting married and wants me to come to his wedding, for what? I just don't know what he excepts form me" he said and I sat down beside him

"Will you at least listen to me without getting upset" I asked and he nodded

"I understand what you are feeling, I get that you feel betrayed and let down but imagine what ma is going through right now"

"Shit I forgot about her, she must be devastated" he said interrupting me

"See Manik that's where you are wrong"

"What do you mean" he asked

"Ma has moved on, when we went to dinner with her a while back and she talked about your dad she never had this sad look on her face, she isn't sad, she is happy Manik. She is going on with her life and dating again and stuff. You never get upset at her for dating others"

"Well she never fucking left me" he sounded angry

"Agreed but have you ever asked why your dad left, even though the reason shouldn't matter but when was the last time you had a talk with him" I asked caressing his arm

"When I turned 10, haven't talked to him since" he said

"Manik he may not have been a good husband to ma but he cares about you, I have even heard that from ma"

"Do you not hear me Nandini, he fucking left us" he screamed

"He did and that's messed up but you have never tried talking to him'

"No and I don't want to and I'm not going to his fucking wedding" he said

"Im not gonna force you or anything, all im gonna say is don't let the anger blind you like it did today"

"I know, it was mistake" he mumbled

"Ya well it better not happen again" I know I sounded bossy

"Ill try my best" he said looking down

"Get angry, pissed annoyed, anything but playing with your health like that is not cool"

"I know, im sorry" he said looking up in my eyes

"I felt nothing, I was scared and lost Manik, I have no one else in this world other than you" I felt tears running down my cheeks

"Im so sorry jaan, im very sorry. I promise I won't ever do it again" he said holding my hand

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