Chapter 7

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Nandini's pov

I stormed out of manik's cabin walking to mine. He is so infuriating like holy shit, why can't he be calm and nice to me instead of yelling. If I say A he will definitely say B which is so messed up

He is acting like this is what I wanted, I know it is stupid and my fault for grabbing onto his arm but he shouldn't act like this.

I chugged a glass of water getting back in my cabin and sat down. I took a few deep breaths so that I can think straight. I focused on the stupid files he need for his upcoming meetings and stuff

A few hours went by and I was getting frustrated now, not because of the files but because of Manik. I swear he makes me wanna kill him but if something happens to him ill probably be the first one to be effected

It's weird because I like him and this is like a dream for me, well when I first joined this company I was so in love with him and maybe I still am but these circumstances are pissing me off. I feel like I didn't grow out of that love, I have just accepted him and I are gonna be anything

"Nandini my cabin" I heard his voice from the intercom

"Ahhhhh you stupid idiot" I said

"I can hear you Nandini" his voice came again making me realize I pressed it by accident

I grabbed the files I finished and a coffee for myself and some noddles with vegetables for manik. He is such a health freak. I walked into his cabin without knocking and found his engorossed in a file

"Get out" he said until he looked up

"Sorry didn't know it was you" he said

"Here is your lunch" I said putting the plate down

"Files" he asked and I placed the files on his desk too

"Sorry" I mumbled and he looked up

"For what exactly" he asked

"For storming out and raising my voice at you, I know you are doing me a favour and it was my fault for getting you into this. And instead of saying thank you I am over here yelling at you, it is totally my fault and I apologize, its just this particular part of my past is umm very hard to overcome and stuff, I know you don't care or wanna know but thank you so much for doing what you are doing and you are right I can pretend in front of your mom. That's the least I can do for you considering everything you are doing for me. Once again I am sorry for yelling and acting out of character" I said looking down

Not hearing anything I looked up to meet his eyes which had softened and were full of emotions, the ones I have not seen before.

"Nandini I am not such a monster"

"You are with me" I mumbled inturpting him and he chuckled

"With you it's different"

"How so? I am your employee just like everyone else in this office but you are so mean to me sometimes, like that one time when you yelled at me in front of everyone because I forgot to get you the right file, you know how rude that was" I said and his eyes filled with guilt

"I apologized about that and I apologize again"

"I know" I mummbled

"Sit down nandini" he said so gently

"Im okay"

"Sit" he said and I sat down infront of him

"I agree these circumstances aren't right, I also agree that I didn't want any of this and it seems like I am doing you a favour but trust me I am not. It is not your fault and I can say that without even knowing your past but if you ever need someone to listen I'm right here. I am strict and annoying but it's work Nandini, you know how serious I am abut my work. You don't need to apologize for yelling because any sane person would do that and that's not saying that you are sane because you are not. So here we have 2 options, one we can both keep arguing and fighting over this shit or two we can act cordial and just pretend that we are dating. I would say choose option two because that is less of a hassle so choose wisley" he said and I looked at him

He was right, I could either pretend or be fighting with him all the time but I already do that lots so I gonna choose option two.

"Manik" I whispered and he got up from his chair

He leaned on the table infant of me

"Im not gonna force you and you know that but I don't wanna have to fight with you even on a personal level. We already argue enough in our professional life" he said making me giggle

"No sir, you argue with me, it's not the other way around" I said and he chuckled shaking his head

"Not arguing with you Nandini, just tell me your decision because you are my 'girlfriend' even if you pick option 1" he said air quoting the girlfriend part

"Ill pick option two but I have rules" I said and he raised an eyebrow

"Rules" he questioned

"Yup, so no touching, no kissing, no other things, no"

"Nandini sweetheart dating involves all of those things" he said making me frown


"I know my limits Nandini, I will never make you uncomfortable and I would never put my hands on you, I know I did at the party but it just umm I felt like that was needed to make it believable" he said

"I know you wouldn't, I trust you" I whispered looking down

He put his pointer finger finger under my chin lifting my chin up

"What is it?" He asked

"Im scarred" I said

"Being scarred is normal Nandini, just go with the flow and I'm right here. If anything bothers you then let me know and we can talk about it"

"Okay" I said

"I know you are single but if you find someone you love then we call this off" he said and I felt sad knowing some day this will be all over

Someday manik will love someone and I will mean nothing to him, he isn't mine. My heart was aching hearing this

"Do be so worried" he said and I looked in his eyes

"Worried" I asked and he nodded

"Nandini you know everything about me, do you think I will disrespect you or go out of my limits" he asked and I shook my head

"You are a monster, really really big one but you can never go out of your limits, you know your boundaries and if you yell at me na im telling ma" I said and his lips curved up in a small smile

"And what will ma do" he asked

"She likes me na, so she will hit you" I said and he chuckled

"About that, get ready for tonight, umm ill come by and get you at 7"

"For what" I asked

"You are so dumb, the dinner with ma" he said and I glared at him

"Watch yourself mr boyfriend, call me dumb again and you are getting your ass wopped by ma" I said and he chuckled walking back to his chair

"Go home and get ready"


"Im still your boss Nandini" he said

"Yes you are but"

"Goo" he said making me run out, I did hear him chuckling a little which was music to my ears

Love at First Fight Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora