Chapter 18

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Nandini's pov

I changed into pyjama shorts and a t shirt after washing my face. It ws very hard to digest the fact that he invited me in his house because he never invites people home well cabir and arun are the exceptions but you know.

He even offered to make me food which is not fake dating like but but I like it, I love this. He is so cute and protective with me, the feelings I had suppressed for him were resurfacing again.

I took my phone and my keys shutting my house. I was gonna take the elevator but I am scarred of going alone in elevators so I took the stairs which was at the worst decision ever cause there are so many stairs.

I knocked on his door huffing because I am so unfit like I was breathing so heavy because of a few stairs.

"Come in nandini, it's open" i heard his voice

i walked inside and shut the door. I have to admit this man has amazing taste, his house is beautiful, it's not tacky, it's elegant and very homey.

"Nandini" he called and I followed his voice revealing into the kitchen

He stood there in sweatpants and a t shirt.

"Oh my gosh, you live on the 100th floor or something" I siad huffing

"It's two floors up Nandini"

"It's far" I siad jumping on the counter but I failed because he has high counter

"Manikk" he turned around hearing me


"Help na" I said and he walked over to me

"With what" he said

"Meko upar bethna hai" I said throwing my hands to him

He shook his head and picked me up putting me on the counter

"What are you making" I asked

"White sauce pasta" he siad turning around

"Umm" I said

"I am proud of you Nandini" he said smiling at me

" Proud of me" I questioned

"Yes, you stood up for yourself and im very proud of you for that"

"Thank you monster" I said smiling

No-one has ever said they are proud of me and hearing it from manik makes me extremely happy.

"Manik" he hmmed

"You are kinda handsome" he chuckled a little

"I already know that Nandini"

"Arrogant ass" I mummbled

"I heard that" he siad

"It was meant for you to hear"

"Eat up" he said placing a bowl of pasta in front of me

"Holly Molly cannoly" I mummbled seeing how yummy it looked

He sat down in front of me and started eating his pasta, I took a bite and I couldn't believe how yummy it was

"Damnn you can be a husband" I mummbled

"So I am husband material because I can cook" he asked raising an eyebrow at me

"Yes sir, id marry you" I said

"Ya you will" he said making me look at him


"You will marry me ya?" He asked

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